jvanbenthum on "customizr na upgraden geeft wit scherm"
Hallo, Ik heb een probleem met het thema customizr. Na verschillende problemen met het maken van een site met thema customizr, heb ik wp opnieuw geinstalleerd. Ik kreeg nu echter bij het thema...
View ArticleKOKOStern on "[Theme: Decode] Menu Navigation appear on front page"
I just put up a new category of posts and wanted to add a link to it in my main menu. I did so and noticed I have a new empty post on my front page. I deleted it and found out my new menu navigation...
View Articledbrucemoore on "[Theme: Decode] sidebar css edits fail?"
Scott, Loving this theme! I made a child theme and am trying to modify the sidebar with no success. I even tried the CSS code from two resolved support issues ("transparent side bar" and "remove...
View Articlepaco petersainz on "Problem with the static page and post page."
Hello, I am using a child theme based in the bold headline theme and the static front page option, the problem is that the posts does not appear in the post page I have chosen or anywhere else, i have...
View Articledavidgrandelis on "[Theme: Decode] Custom sidebar image/menu overlapping"
Hello, I'm using a custom image for the sidebar logo, it's quite bigger than the original (200px width). I removed the <svg> that draws the rectangles and replaced it with my static image, and...
View ArticleW_Walace1863 on "Vantage Error"
I tried to update my wordpress to the latest version. I mistakenly, pasted the update info into my theme's update.php now my site has gone haywire and I'm unable to view the update.php to even change...
View Articlesolanky on "[Theme: Hueman] Share buttons not visible ( version 2.0.8)"
I am using version 2.0.8 downloaded directly from the website but vertical Share buttons are not visible on posts . Only 'Share' text is visible. Please let me know what I am missing to make it visible.
View ArticleAndre Varinski on "[Theme: Bold Headline] Post summary layout on New Posts page"
How can I get the layout of the post summary that appears on the New Posts page to be the same as that of the article itself? Let's say, for instance, that I post this poem: My poem is a tercet It is...
View Articlepmangunta on "Want to Move Top Navigation to Bottom of Page"
Hi, I'd like to move my navigation bar to the bottom of the page...I believe I change the file screen.css but the things I have tried (suggestions I've found online) haven't helped. Could anyone help...
View Articlejblanc on "pinpress theme update interfered with mobile display"
after upgrading to pin press 1.8 my site displays wrong on mobile devices: the pages display tilted to the left; when you click on a page the Widgets area looks blank on the right, and widgets display...
View Articledannye4407 on "[Theme: Cazuela] Remove "Posted in {category name}" from...
Hey, I love your Cazuela theme, thanks so much for creating it. I'd like to remove the footer that is at the bottom of every post. It says "Posted in {category(ies) name}" and then below that it says...
View Articlesai147 on "wordpress latest version is infected"
Hi, When I am trying to install wordpress latest version , I found the WP 3.8.1 is infected....
View Articlericamolet on "[Theme: Sixteen] Child Theme styles being overriden"
I made a child theme from this, and somehow my style.css is still being overridden by the themes main. The only way I can override it is if I put it in the edit css section under the appearance tab....
View ArticleSpriggs857 on "Converting HTML UI to a Wordpress Theme"
Hi, I was wondering if anyone had any advice on how to go about converting this http://flat-ui.com/ to a Wordpress theme. Obviously, I would first design a page, but what would I then? Thank you for...
View ArticleNewsGuy on "[Theme: Hueman] Posting YouTube Videos"
I've noticed that since switching to the Hueman theme that all the YouTube videos I've posted to my articles no longer show up. The old way I used to post the videos was by copying the old embeded code...
View Articleeve3555 on "[Theme: Balita] random image stuck at the top of page"
Hi! I set up a commerce site for a friend using the Balita theme. On one of the product pages there is a random image hanging out at the top with a little snippet of orphaned code, but I can't figure...
View Articlehambone4000 on "[Theme: Virtue] Home Page Slide Show"
Hello, this might be a really stupid question, but for some reason I can't seem to figure it out.. On my home page of my website (which is under construction right now) I have a home page slider of my...
View ArticleGhostStorm on "[Theme: Twenty Fourteen] Content Sidebar Content"
How do I change what is shown in the Content Sidebar in regards to what's on the blog feed and posts. For example, on blog feed I would like the facebook like box but when someone views a post I would...
View Articleleedixon8 on "Add Post Date & Author in Twenty Eleven"
Using Twenty Eleven theme, how can I add post date & author to single post view? I've tried adding the code below to my CSS but no joy: .single-author .entry-meta .by-author { display: inline; }...
View ArticleCurtis Isom on "Using theme SIXTEEN"
I down loaded the template and very happy with how everything is coming along, but wanted to know how do I replace the "railroad" preview header pic? Also, Can I insert a banner area in this them? If...
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