redrydr on "[Theme: Twenty Fourteen] Asides only to the side"
I would like for aside to only show up on the side and not in the main when I post one. I am not a programmer and am using only the standard 2014 template with the online web interface. suggestions?
View Articledgliwa on "[Theme: Stargazer] Delete the comments section from each page"
How to delete comments section from each page
View ArticleJFlynnRN on "[Theme: Hueman] Captions visable under photos - not via "mouse...
I'm using Hueman a really fantastic program. The only way I can see photo captions (which are usually people's names) is if I "mouse over" and a little box comes up with the caption/name. I just want...
View Articlenickpwnes on "Featured image showing up above title, not beside it"
I have followed this thread to try and get my thumbnail next to my title, similar to, but my image is showing up above the title, not beside it. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
View Articlemylahikes on "[Theme: Pinboard] instagram Images in sidebar widget"
I cannot get my instagram images to appear in a sidebar widget on I tried two separate ways-- using alpinetile and entering the shortcode in a shortcode widget, and using the WP...
View Articleemendoz1 on "[Theme: Gridster-Lite] Adding image to category archives"
Hello, I am trying to figure out how to change the icon in "categories" to an image I have but cannot figure out how. I can't seem to find anywhere to do this. Every time I create a new category the...
View Articlepaulkaraffa on "Warning: printf() [function.printf]: Too few arguments"
The WordPress SEO plugin would not update any changes to the metadata. I found information online from the developer explaining the fix was to change to disable the plugins (all accept the WordPress...
View Articledubsdj on "Genesis easy columns footer problem" can somebody tell me why my footer is overlapping the content when trying to use genesis easy columns?
View Articlersauer on "[Theme: Newspaper] Big Slide only displaying 2 images."
Hi Everyone.. My question is how to make "big slide" display more than 2 images? I have it set to display only featured and there is definitely more than 2 featured images. Thanks in advance......
View Articledubsdj on "navbar and site content fonts not resizing on mobile"
Since the latest update 3.8.1 on twenty thirteen when I open my site on a mobile dvice the header, site content , navbar are not resizing / Scaling to the device resolution. for example the navbar...
View Articledubsdj on "Footer eats entire page on windows phone"
Hi I know I keep asking this in different forms but I'm at a complete loss about this problem in Twenty Thirteen with my site. Due to the content requirements I had to use full width page and easy...
View Articlerobotjackie on "[Theme: Gridster-Lite] post + thumbnails move off screen with...
on my site when you resize the browser at some point the content moves all the way to the bottom and you have to scroll all the way down to access can i change this? i am...
View ArticleSergio Neves Iescas on "[Theme: MesoColumn] Botões midia social contadores"
Richie Good afternoon please how do I trigger social media facebook, skype, twitter and contactors as (Readers) (followers), (Circles) in the subject mesoculumn buttons.
View Articlelmunoz on "[Theme: MesoColumn] Tabbed sidebar disappeared after Mesolcumn...
I just updated Mesocolumn and the tabbed sidebar disappeared and I cannot get it to appear again. The sidebar options still show up correctly in the widgets section but not on the page. Please help....
View Articlepch101 on "[Theme: MesoColumn] Featured Image Problem - Images Cropped on...
I am having a problem with the display of featured images on the homepage. The thumbnail images are being cropped on the left- and right-hand sides when displayed on the homepage. The featured images...
View ArticleCampBulletin on "[Theme: MesoColumn] Mesocloumn, blurry fonts in menu bar"
I am using the Mesocolumn theme and having problems with the fonts being blurry. The fonts in the top menu bar just do not look sharp. The same is true for the drop down menu in the second menu bar. I...
View Articlebirons on "[Theme: MesoColumn] Update deleted all customisations?"
Just updated to 1.6.2 thinking I had a backup, I dont... It seems that custom functions, custom page templates etc. Is there anyway to rollback or get the data back?
View Articlemoviezzworld on "[Theme: MesoColumn] Home Page Title Shorter"
Hello Richie, actually i already find the solution for title shorter but after i update the theme, that was not working, Can you please tell any other ways for shorting title Thanks,
View Articlewen5820 on "Warning: to do with php"
Hi I'm a newbe and need help: Using Portfolio theme, when logged-in to my web site, at the top if the page above the side bar menu and below the header there is the following message: Warning:...
View ArticleMiko on "[Theme: MesoColumn] Category menu current item highlighter...
The highlighter background box on the category menu seems to display erratic behaviour. Sometimes it shows the coloured background, sometimes not, and sometimes it doesn't show the text label in the...
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