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satrntgr on "[Theme: Customizr] Move Post Title"

I was able to change the html to move the tags to the bottom of my post, but how do I move the post title to the bottom as well? I can't find the info anywhere. Thanks.

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jpangburn on "[Theme: Customizr] Alt Language Ouput"

I've installed WP in a few folders on the hosting server, running an English & Spanish translations of our company website. I'm having problems finding where to change the language output for...

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Firstly, I love the new Twenty Fourteen Theme, especially since it conforms to any viewing devise. That may be my problem here. I've added a new widget/sidebar area, which is directly below the...

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ocianciarelli on "[Theme: Customizr] WPML Home featured pages Multilingual"

Hello! I have made my website (yellowbridge.eu)multilingual using WPML. I translated all the pages to Spanish, everything works perfectly when you click on the menu. However, the home featured pages...

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cnich570 on "Removing extra spacing"

I have a Nexus theme from elegant themes installed on my wordpress site and I can not figure out how to remove extra padding from certain sections. I tried Web Developer in safari and other programs to...

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Semanticfield on "How to switch among Customizr localized languages?"

Hello, I want to know how to switch among Customizr localized languages? Is there a button in the somewhere in the theme customizing area? Or do I have to change the file names to default.po/.mo among...

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Josh on "[Theme: Mon Cahier] child theme doest read /inc"

Hello, I was wondering if anyone could tell me why my child theme isn't reading the inc folder? I added the folder to my mon-cahier-child folder and copied template-tags.php so I could remove the "by...

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leecrockett on "[Theme: Customizr] Left/Right image in blog list"

I'd like to have the bloglist display all the featured images on the right instead of the alternating right/left. I find it hard to read. Any help would be appreciated.

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thespinsterz on "[Theme: Hueman] Custom stylesheet not working?"

I have added some code the my custom style sheet, but it doesn't seem to make a difference. The page I am altering is this http://hooptricks.org/start-here My code is in the main stylesheet and looks...

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lrosa on "[Theme: raindrops] Untranslated string"

functions.php line 1045: the string "Comment" is not translatable via gettext, the line should be: $raindrops_comment_string = __( 'Comment ', 'Raindrops' ) . raindrops_link_unique( 'Post', get_the_ID(...

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ElectricFeet on "[Theme: Customizr] Post Images not Working"

legitcoder and I were trying to diagnose his/her problem over on this thread, but for some reason it was closed. [Unnecessary comments moderated, Please review the Forum_Welcome.] Anyway. This thread...

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cflam on "[Theme: Tiny Forge] Header transparency"

I would like to make the header a .png and the background image to show through. I understand that the body wrapper is white, so even if I made the header a .png, it wouldn't show transparency to the...

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ACleanPlate on "[Theme: Tiny Forge] Tip25b - Remove icon for external sites...

I'm having a hard time tracking down Tip25b, which promises a method to disable the icons that show up next to external links in a child theme (the style.css of the main theme has a block of CSS you...

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sciwebdesign on "[Theme: Customizr] Change order of front page..how?"

Hello, How do I modify this in functions.php add_action ( 'wp_head' , 'place_slider_before_footer' ); function place_slider_before_footer() { if ( !tc__f('__is_home') ) return; remove_action(...

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wintery01 on "[Theme: Customizr] Inserting jvectormap through custom template"

Hello, I'm fairly new to wordpress (less than a week experience) and I'm trying to get a jvectormap to show up in my customizr child theme using a custom template. I am trying to make the vector map to...

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xondra on "[Theme: Customizr] How do I change the language of the theme?"

Greetings! This time around I want to change the language of the theme, and I haven't found a way in the child theme itself to do it. I found a possible solution on this post, but as I'm not code savvy...

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jlwp on "[Theme: Hueman] grid one-half and vertical align:middle text and image"

Hi all, I have two divs on my front page, one with text, one with an image. I'd like the text to be vertically centered with the image. Pseudocode: <div class="grid one-half"> headlines and text...

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pieceacakegirl@hotmail.ca on "Media Library"

Hello, Yesterday I uploaded pictures into a new gallery in the media library. Something didn't work properly and I was unable to edit the gallery so I deleted all the pictures. I made a new gallery...

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leecrockett on "[Theme: Customizr] Feature images in posts"

I've come across this code for automatically including a feature image on every page if it exists add_filter( 'tc_content_headings_separator', 'my_extra_image' ); function my_extra_image() { if (...

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brivell567 on "Customizr theme, text-align widgets in footer"

Using a child version of the Customizr theme... need to override the default text align settings in the 3 footer widgets to all align flush left.

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