lf designs on "[Theme: Customizr] Centre navbar including social icons"
Hello all, For some time I had the navbar centered and I had removed the social icons from it, yet now I have to have them in the navbar section, so when I took away that filter from the functions.php...
View Articlecharisgratia on "Gallery Posts in Superhero"
I just switched to this theme from Writr… both are great but I love the fixed navigation and featured content slider with Superhero. My only issue is with gallery posts. Whenever I click on an image in...
View ArticleStudioPatrice on "Artist Would Like Theme Similar to Website"
My wife is a professional artist and I created her website out of Notepad and HTML over 10 years ago. The Website is outdated, unprofessional and very difficult to modify (Feel free to browse...
View Articlelf designs on "[Theme: Customizr] Static background with scrolling content"
Hello all, I'm wondering if it's possible to change my pages to have a static background and for the content to scroll. Maybe this should be done by having the body background at a certain...
View ArticleJustRunLah on "[Theme: Hueman] Removing some white space () and rearranging...
Hi Alex, Two questions: 1) There appears to be something like an <hr> between the featured article rotator and the rest of the posts. I was wondering which file creates this, and how I can remove...
View Articlewiliama80 on "[Theme: Hueman] Social share buttons in content.php"
Hi. This might be similar to what Slipkot is asking. Is it possible to add the social share buttons to content.php so they show under each post (under the excerpt for instance) on the blog index (the...
View Articlecathrinesch on "[Theme: Sugar and Spice] Tilted gallery"
Hi! I am trying to change the size of the images displayed in the jetpack tilted gallery, is there any way? Also, although I linked the images to "none" they still link to the according file on the...
View Articlebackinstyle on "Static page will not set on website"
I have the most current version of wordpress 3.8.1 and have set my Settings for Reading to "a static front page" and have selected my Front page: Gallery. I do not have any active plugins. I have tried...
View Articlelindseybdc on "[Theme: Customizr] Facebook post image"
Usually, when I copy a link and paste it into facebook, a featured image shows up. However, when I copy a link of mine into facebook, no image appears. Even when I have a featured image set and images...
View Articlencrmro on "[Theme: Customizr] Add Title or Text above recent posts"
http://wordpress.org/support/topic/how-to-add-a-blog-template-for-customizr?replies=13 I need my home pages recent posts to have a text or title along the lines of "My Blog" that appear at the top of...
View Articlebondigor69 on "Menu doesn't show on homepage"
On single pages if I hover on menu there is a dropdown but not on the home page. Why is that ? It's the same css
View Articlebluepixeldesign on "[Theme: Twenty Fourteen] Archive Page"
I'm working within a child theme. I want a page that lists my blog archives (probably broken down into categories, date, etc.) I see that there's a page called archive.php in the theme (and...
View Articlejustdhogan on "Trouble with Theme or CCS"
New to Wordpress using Decompression Flight School Theme. After updating or possibly a revision I made somewhere my site has changed. The flight school theme under "Widgets" There are boxes for...
View Articlepresswolfe on "[Theme: Hueman] Child Theme Loading Slow & Sidebar Color Changed"
My Child Theme for the Hueman Theme seems to be loading slowly and the left sidebar on my site no longer appears to be the pale grey color (#f0f0f0). It appears fine when it's not on the Child Theme,...
View Articlecnich570 on "Featured Post Images"
Iam using an elegant themes template called Nexus and I need help entering a code that will auto resize the featured post images. It seems that the images taken from the post are zoomed into a section...
View Articleemagina on "Hide main nav menu from home page [Responsive theme]"
Hello there WPers, I am using the free version of the Responsive theme. I have looked for an answer to this in the forums but none has worked for me so far. I am trying to get rid of the main nav menu...
View Articlebroomhandle on "Lots of little issues - content margins, line spacing,...
I've got a site here: http://peterchamberlaincann.wordpress.com that I've copied over to here: http://www.peterchamberlaincann.co.uk and there's lots of changes I want to make. I've used Firebug to...
View Articletgd on "[Theme: Celestial - Lite] Latest update affects child theme"
Just so you know... You had made a change to the names of some functions that call the homepage widget areas ( 'st_' to 'celestial_ ' ) . This is not a problem, unless you're using a child theme and...
View Articleemagina on "How to change the default page template"
Some themes offer a number of templates to choose from upon creating a new page, however, there is one template that is set by default. So when you add a new page it will have that particular template...
View ArticleCreativene on "[Theme: Omega] Remove Page Titles"
How do I remove page titles? I cannot find it in any of the links in editor Thanks
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