slenells on "[Theme: Travelify] Remove White Space above Header Image?????"
Is there any way to get rid of the white space directly above the header image. I believe it is the space where the site title would go if you had one. I do not have a site title, and it is taking up...
View Articleandreasno on "[Theme: Hueman] Sidebar problem"
Hi! I'm trying to make the sidebar in the hueman-theme less wide, and make the content area fill the space left by the sidebar. But when i resize the sidebar, the content area doesnt fill out the space...
View Articletomdegraaff on "[Theme: Hueman] Different header background colors for...
Hello Alexander, thanx for the very nice theme, but also for your support! I have a question and did not find the awnser to in this forum. My goal is to give the header background a specific color on...
View Articlewifsster on "[Theme: Customizr] Adding "Read More" Links to posts"
I would like to add either a "read more" or "continue reading" to some of my posts. I have seen plugins that do this, but I can't seem to get them to work. I was wondering if there is something with...
View Articlesimonm223 on "Caption Shortcode appearing in category archive"
I've been using the following code to define my caption archive: <section id="pageContent"> <?php if ( have_posts() ) : while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?> <?php echo...
View Articlesunsetwriter on "[Theme: Mon Cahier] Can I use my logo with this theme?"
Hello! I do love this theme...much better than the one I am using. However, I don't know if I can use my logo with it. Truthfully, I am afraid to change without knowing this... Thank you!
View Articlequintain on "[Theme: Twenty Thirteen] Child Theme footer.php"
Hi This is the first time I have used a child theme, please see I need to alter the child theme footer, do I just create a file called footer.php in the child theme...
View ArticleBobbybell on "What shall i do?"
This is first time I am doing website. I have install WP in rootdirectory, and start working on website. You guys are much more expereince in WP themes than me, will you please adivce me. 1- I would...
View Articlefabiel on "Theme: static pages doesn't show images"
I created a theme but the static pages don't show images. The files header.php and footer.php show OK because I used: <img src="<?php bloginfo('stylesheet_directory'); ?>/img/icon.png" >...
View Articlemellissaa on "twentyeleven navbar"
I need help. I've got my navbar and header looking the way I want, but you cannot click on the links of the navbar for some reason. my site is
View Articlekarimk on "[Theme: Virtue] Problem to show portfolio"
Hi everybody, I got a problem to show portfolio project, they put this error message : "It looks like this was the result of either: a mistyped address an out-of-date link" I try to put all options,...
View Articlemellissaa on "twentyeleven footer align" I want to know how to line up the widgets in the bottom footer area so they are widget 1 widget 2 widget 3 instead of how they are now widget 1 widget 2 widget 3
View ArticlePW EDEN on "[Theme: Celestial - Lite] Adjust Column Widths"
I would like to adjust the 'primary' and 'secondary' widths when using the right column template. I see they are 870px and 270px. However, when I adjust them I lose the responsiveness of content in the...
View ArticleScottfree on "[Theme: EvoLve] Change navigation bar text colour"
Hi I'm needing to change the colour of the text in the top navigation bar of the 'Evolve' theme as well as the text dropshadow. Searched everywhere. Please help. Thanks in advance John
View Articlecemdezesseis on "[Theme: Hueman] Full version"
Alex, After I downloaded and installed the full version from your site my Custom CSS is gone. How is that possible?
View Articlecleverchick on "Incorporating post-class into this code"
I have the following in my template: <?php if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?> How do I incorporate post_class into this?
View Articlebilbobaghins on "Change Title on split post"
I split my post with this tutorial How can i change the name of pages (Pages 1,2,3 to custom name)? like an index Sorry for my bad english
View Articlefrezik on "[Theme: Vantage] Fuzzy image slider"
Hi Greg, i made very easy PNG slide 1343 x 401. But after insert to meta slider it´s very fuzzy :-/ Pls how can i make a sharp slider for meta slider Thx a lot :-) Jaromir
View Articledanfahy on "[Theme: Waterside] When I add a new page it overwrites the homepage"
When I first installed the template I was able to add as many pages as I liked. Then I did some customizing in the editor for each header. Now when I try to add a new page it over writes whatever is on...
View ArticleNatascha_db on "Remove featured image from homepage (pachyderm theme)"
Hey, I want to stop the featured image from appearing on my homepage/frontpage. I have to keep a featured image attached to my posts because I have to use it for my archive. But i don't like it on my...
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