REALBLM on "[Theme: zAlive] Autoblog: make image clickable to redirect to post"
Hi, i've a problem: i've a WP blog image based, it's a promotional site and i use autoposting for post my draft every 2 hours... All work good, but from index page people are forced to click on title...
View Articlebhunsaker on "[Theme: Customizr] Customizing the Header"
Using the Customizr theme I would like to have the header look as follows. Logo on the left linking to my website, the menu in the middle, and another logo on the right linking to an external site. How...
View Articlevanceet on "[Theme: Spun] Prevent greying out WITHIN posts"
I'm having a problem with the color scheme. I've already managed to prevent the graying out on the home page of the circles, but once I click on certain posts, there are grayed out items within those...
View Articlelealoo on "[Theme: Customizr] full size image on homepage"
Hi, I'm a new user, and I'm trying to figure out how to add a large image like the image on the customizr home page. How can you create a full size static image that will appear at the top of the page...
View Articlemorarc on "[Theme: Responsive] Why is there extra space or gaps on my forms?" I've noticed that whenever I try to add forms to my webpage using the responsive theme that I get extra spaces or gaps between fields of my forms? It goes away when I...
View ArticleNicks22 on "[Theme: Northern-Clouds] Page Menus and taglines no longer...
I have 2 websites that use this theme:- and Neither website now displays the top page menus correctly and the site taglines above...
View Articlea4u on "[Theme: Corpo] HTML markup or Shortcodes in SERVICE description"
Is it possible to switch on HTML markup or Shortcodes in SERVICE description? Thanks!
View Articledavcamp on "[Theme: Celestial - Lite] How to add a logo/sponsor in the header...
Hi! I put my logo on the top left and I would like to put another logo / sponsor with link in the top right. Is it possibile? thanks for your support.
View Articlebmkrein on "[Theme: Hueman] Header image from topbar to topmenu"
Hello Thankfully using my first WordPress install for Community page with greate Hueman Theme. Header image in header area is with scapace around, even using #header .pad { padding-top: 0;...
View ArticleGrandma824 on "Theme: Twenty-Thirteen - removing comment box on each page"
I would like to remove the section of each page that says "Leave a Reply", has a comment box, and a "Post Comment" box. Where do I go to do that and how? Is it in the footer? Is there a way just to...
View Articleghurty on "Excluded category shoes up on front page if post is made sticky-...
Im using a modifies twentyteleve template. I want that on the home page that posts from a few categories should not show up. So I used the following coding, which works. But when a post is made a...
View Articlemirilailai on "[Theme: Hueman] Footer Widget Area 2 problem"
Greetings, I'm using the old version of the theme - 1.1.2 I have an issue (not sure if it is one) with the footer widget area 2. I use 2 footer columns and when I put something in the second one it is...
View Articlechelseaalicescott on "[Theme: Aldehyde] Background image"
hey, i need help editing the background of this theme, i cant get rid of the default image and the body of the website is plain white. Could i change this to an image or transparency too? Any help is...
View Articlemakta112 on "Remove "Continue reading" from excerpts"
Hi, I'm trying to remove the "Continue reading" link from my site's excerpts. I've found a lot of filters on the internet but none of them have worked properly. I want the [...] removed as well. Thanks...
View Articlebfwdesigns24 on "Sugar and Spice"
Hello, I downloaded the sugar and spice theme based off the picture it shows with the flowers, but I can't get my layout to show like the one in the picture with the flowers. I want to have my Facebook...
View ArticleRupesh on "[Theme: Leaf] How to replace theme images by using child theme ?"
Hi, I created child theme based on leaf theme with following folder structure. LeafChild > images [folder], style.css. In images folder > no-image.jpg, no-image-small.jpg If a post does not have...
View Articlestephanieweitzenkamp on "Installing the Cascade Theme"
I purchased the fairly inexpensive Cascade them to upgrade my site from the vcard theme. I cannot find any documentation (in the download or on the themeforest website) on how to import the theme. What...
View Articlegaindakot on "[Theme: Hueman] Multi Column blog post in Home page"
I would like to get 4 column instead of two column posts in homepage. I saw there is an option for multiple column layout on the demo of hueman. I would appreciate any help regarding this. here is the...
View Articlereallife01 on "[Theme: Sugar and Spice] Hover Color"
Hello! I really like your theme! Is there a possibility to change the colour of the Text in the Navigation Bar when you hover over it?
View ArticleThinkBelieve on "Sticky add under the menu bar"
How to add a sticky ad under the menu bar.Please help where to add the code Source:
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