sadosubliminal on "[Theme: Customizr] Removing author information in posts"
Hello, Here is my site and the page in question: First, I will point out that I am terrible with code, so please explain things like you are talking to a...
View ArticleBlippety on "[Theme: Celestial - Lite] Front page blog section has...
I'm working on a website for my school's club, and the news section on the front page has dissapeared and been replaced with a huge black line. I think I probably messed up somehow but I'm unsure...
View Articleyiannis6969 on "[Theme: Encounters Lite] sidebars and columns resize"
very nice theme with many options. but how can i increase the sidebars size left and right and make biger the content area?
View Articleextremetree on "[Theme: Vantage] Changing circile icons to images"
I am having trouble figuring out how to replace the circle icons with my own images.
View Articlemarkums on "[Theme: Tiny Forge] Possible to get rid of...
Hi, I am setting up a blog for and want to use your theme. While looking up something else I noticed this <link rel='stylesheet' id='jquery-ui-style-css'...
View ArticleAndy Woggle on "[Theme: Buttercream] Create rollover CSS to Navigation?"
I've tried adding the CSS so that the Nav menus turn green on hover, but it really doesnt seem to work. Can someone explain the code I'll need to do this? I've added a:hover{color:green} into the...
View Articledivemaster666 on "[Theme: StrapVert] how to get rid of white space"
how to get rid of 3 cm white space under the photo of the shark? It is in the sidebar. Widgets under the line are in footer.
View ArticleChristinevarniere on "[Theme: Virtue] Share icon don't show in Firefox"
Hello, the share buttons don't show in Firefox. At the bottom of the posts I use the widget SimpleShare Buttons, the share text ("share this") appears, but not the icons for FB, twitter, etc at the...
View Articlezazarza on "[Theme: TimeTurner] My menu also ends up behind the logo"
The menu ends up behind the logo, how do I get it like the demo?
View Articlejonbb61 on "Attempting to transfer SEO Data from Thesis 2.0"
Hi, I'm moving my site over from Thesis 2.0 to a custom theme and I need to copy over the seo metadata. I attempted to use the SEO data transporter but it doesn't seem to work. I tried downgrading to...
View Articlevarmys on "[Theme: Virtue] Register and login"
Dear sirs, I have Virtue Theme. It's nice I'd like to know wich is the best plugin to register and login wich customized loger. Thank you ver y much
View ArticleTGKitty on "Adelle Theme Post Background To White"
Hi Everyone! I'm probably the least tech savvy here but I did want to ask a question. I'm working on the site I will change the domain once I'm finished but...
View ArticleTGKitty on "Adelle Theme Post Background To White"
Hi Everyone! I'm probably the least tech savvy here but I did want to ask a question. I'm working on the site I will change the domain once I'm finished but...
View Articlejoshua.plays on "[Theme: Quark] Centering All Header Content"
Hi all, I want to center all of my content in my header! I have created a child theme for my Quark parent theme. Curious if you can adjust the .php within the .CSS stylesheet of the child theme? Any...
View ArticleStefano Lissa on "[Theme: WP Opulus] Nivo Slider Not Present"
Hi, in function.php the theme queue the nivo slider script which is not in the package. That create a call to a non-existent file which make wordpress to be loaded and respond with a 404. Can you...
View Articlewordpressdummie on "[Theme: Irex Lite] slider question"
I am using Irex lite for my site and for some reason when you hover over read more on post it says "Rest the rest" instead of "Read the rest". I poured over the code and only found one place that it...
View Articleadaythinking on "[Theme: Ryu] Gravatar Heading Not Showing Up"
Hi, I am having the same issues as many of you for my new blog ( I tried the different solutions mentioned above and beyond. Please advice. Thanks, ADay
View Articlemilogus on "[Theme: Oxygen] change the color of secondary menu (in black)"
I would change the color of the secondary menu. to change of Black to red. how to do it?
View ArticleFrendo22 on "[Theme: BizStudio Lite] Removing parts of the Home Page?"
Is there anyway that you can remove some of the html on the front page? I only need part of it....
View Articlerosuna on "[Theme: Customizr] Code in the HEAD section"
I need to insert one line of code in the HEAD section. This one: <script type='text/javascript' src=''></script> Is it possible to do it...
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