marshallt on "[Theme: Untitled] Can't get the minislider to work?"
Hi, When it loads it looks ok, for a fraction of a second, and then goes blank... any ideas? have a look Thanks, Tomer
View Articlesevenkader on "I want to decode & back to normal text"
Every theme I change to my "&"s are always &, I'd love to get rid of that. I've looked around and found this var decoded = encoded.replace(/&/g, '&'); I don't know if that would do...
View ArticleVadim V on "[Theme: Twenty Fourteen] What license?"
Beside each theme would be good so that was specified license. Can I use for commercial purposes or not? It would be good so you had this item for all themes
View ArticleTechdoode on "wp_nav_menu container - Why limited to div and nav?"
Why am I limited to the values div and nav in the array's container key? I'm trying to integrate Foundation with WordPress, and I need a section tag here. Why the limitation? Is there some way to...
View Articlejuliekinch on "[Theme: Opulus Sombre] How do I get rid of the default...
Hi. I am having a problem getting rid of the default "categories" widget on my blog pages. I created a sidebar that includes a categories widget and I called it "recipes". It is where I want it under...
View ArticleI-games on "[Theme: Tempera] My arcade plugin help?"
Hello. I wish to use this great template with my arcade plugin which get games from mochimedia, but unfortunatly i do not know wery much about php and programing. :S Please help my.
View ArticleI-games on "Game fusion templates to my arcad templates help?"
Hello. This is my first time i tray to use wordpres. Whant to make game site, and i use MyArcadePlugin Lite and whant to use templates GameFusion because a easy backend option, and good looking...
View ArticleMylenium on "[Theme: Fruitful] Columns"
Hi, I've got 3 columns on my website, but I can't find a place where I can change the basic info in columns (title, words ect.).
View Articlespicelean on "Spun Update IE Browser"
One more issue i notice. I updated and it looks fine using chrome but using IE browser all my post titles are cut off. any ideas? thanks?
View Articlespicelean on "[Theme: Spun] Old Version"
Can someone help me install the old version, thank you
View Articledutx12 on "[Theme: raindrops] Configurate"
Can I configurate this Theme, with similar appeareance like this blog?? with 4 columns, 3 for my post and 1 for the menu.
View ArticleBabetteHogan on "HUGE problem with upgrade of WP and THESIS: site down"
I can't gain access to my admin pages upon upgrading to the latest WP and THESIS versions. The Admin link won't work and now I even have an indication that the whole site is down....
View Articlealabiola on "[Theme: Ryu] Theme conflicting with plugin.. Please help"
Hello Everyone, I'm really enjoying the ryu theme but I have some questions please; Firstly, I recently installed soliloquy slider plugin and I begin to have issues with the theme. I can't centre the...
View ArticleMumbataar on "[Theme: Decode] Sidebar bakground transparent"
Hey! great theme! I wonder, is it possible to make the sidebar backround transparent? So the backround becomes the image that allready exist before you open it. M.
View ArticleAbilash A on "[Theme: Hueman] Some little tweaks can increase aesthetics"
I have made some tweaks in the template, I hope the site looks good now
View ArticleLesTexas60 on "Custom Menu Item doesn't show in Menu"
I am assuming this is related to the Theme so I'm putting it on this board. I want to provide an option to jump to an external URL from the main menu. I created a Custom Link in the Menu option area...
View Articlesukafia on "Boxed Layout for customizr"
Hi guys, please i need help creating boxed layout, the theme only has a full layout and i don't like it. how do i make my layout boxed? Thanks.
View Articlejoshuaocarter on "[Theme: Customizr] Can you make a menu item act as a... I would like to make two of my menu items hyperlinks that take you to a separate wordpress site or other site. I wish that when you clicked "sirius technical services" menu item...
View Articletbltlpc on "[Theme: Tempera] Responsive"
Does anyone have the same problem as I do on responsiveness of the outcry widget images on presentation page? the images gets skinnier until it breaks, and if u keep pushing it will break again and...
View Articleafizan on "[Theme: Customizr] Error when use with SEO Pressor"
I got this error massage every time I try to refresh seo pressor score, "parsererror: SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character" Anyone have the solution?
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