neha on "child theme of twentyeleven"
i m trying to display images in grid such that 5 images in a row. i put the code in functions.php add_filter('post_class','clear_left_four_class'); function clear_left_four_class( $classes ) { global...
View ArticleKnallskalle on "[Theme: Attitude] Remove space above the header"
Hi I am using the attitude theme, I have removed the searchbar and above my jpeg.header there is a white empty area. The code for the this area when i look it up in google chrome <div...
View Articlemiroamarillo on "[Theme: Hueman] Demo Content XML"
Is there any way to get an xml of the demo content you have on your webpage? I have been trying to recreate the post as you have them on your site but is still a bit hard. Can you use the export tool...
View Articlefudgeblogs on "[Theme: Virtue] Theme is broken?"
I've been using Virtue for the past few months and have customised it a LOT. today, i get asked to update the theme and when it does, my site is completely changed. i've been trying to re-install...
View Articlekme on "[Theme: Gridster-Lite] Image cut off"
Hello, How do you make it so that no parts of an image is cut off when displayed as a grid, without having to upload a separate image for the small featured image? Thanks so much.
View Articlekatemegill on "[Theme: Celestial - Lite] blue bar under submenu drop down box"
Hi, how can I change the blue color under the drop down menu bar? I would love to change it to the red that runs throughout my theme.
View Articleallinconstruction on "[Theme: Customizr] Menus Not Working"
On our website,, I am seeing some glitches with the menus. From the home page, all menus drop down and work just fine. However, from any page other than the home page,...
View Articlejasaunders on "Posts not appearing on the homepage"
I am using the Twenty Fourteen theme. I just setup the blog and any posts I create do not appear in the main content section of the homepage, it gives the message "Nothing Found. Ready to publish your...
View Articlesrujal100 on "adding advertisement code"
hello everybody I can not add advertisement vode in my wrodpress can you tell me where I should install code correctly advertisement comapny says that it should be just before </head> tag i copy...
View Articlejrisberg on "[Theme: Customizr] Since 3.1.5: Attachments Upload But Display...
Since upgrading to Customizr 3.1.5 my Media Library has stopped working for new images while old images work fine. Something isn't right about how images are being identified during upload, but I've...
View ArticleLeapmkt12 on "[Theme: Preference Lite] IE8"
Layout issues with IE8 (which is my clients broswer) Website front page 2nd widget at the bottom has moved up next to header throwing bottom widget 3 & 4 out. Css on the footer is all wrong (its...
View Articleoahn00 on "[Theme: MesoColumn] Slider in the sidebar?"
I love this theme but I've got one wish. Is it possible to place the slider in the sidebar, perhaps using the "Advertisement int right sidebar"?
View ArticleG on "Twenty Fourteen - featured image spacing on frontpage"
I have several pages but not posts. I have created a static page website using the default Twenty Fourteen theme. On each page I have chosen to use a Featured Image (the same image on each page). When...
View Articlethestylistquo on "[Theme: Expound] Sidebar Showing at Bottom"
On my blog posts page, the sidebar is showing horizontally at the bottom. I would like it to show vertically to the right, which it does on static pages. The URL is I'd like the layout to look like:...
View Articlejubas90 on "[Theme: Hueman] Set some stuff in spanish"
Hi all! Thank you very much for developing this theme. I have a question, how can I set these ítems in spanish? -date -the text "Category" that is displayed when you go to a category, -the "next page"...
View Articlekatrinah on "How to turn off Jetpack Sharing In Widget Area? (Twenty Fourteen)"
Hi there, Lovely new theme! I turned on Jetpack Sharing to display sharing icons under posts. However, when I activate Twenty Fourteen's "Video" and "Image" widgets, these sharing features also display...
View Articlepresh22 on "[Theme: Virtue] Editing Stylesheet question"
I am re-entering the world of Wordpress and have an ultra novice question regarding style.sheet editing. I noticed all of the available folders under the virtue theme, like footer, front page etc. If I...
View Articlejosemv on "[Theme: Hueman] "next" and "previous" post navigation thumbnail"
hi there, I have enabled "next" and "previous"below post content in single template. Everything runs smooth, but is it possible to include the post thumbnail/featured image ? Only the next/previous...
View Articlesciwebdesign on "[Theme: Customizr] remove some tag and cloud function"
Which line in which php file do I need to take out to get rid of the tag and category buttons in the post list index and at the top of each post when they have been opened? I don't want to completely...
View Articleartisana on "Page Title missing ONLY on Blog (Posts) Page"
Hello! Here is the site: I would like for the blog posts page to display the page title "BLOG" (just like ABOUT, and the other pages) rather than just the blog post titles as it is now....
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