SVKmon on "Theme: Korsi All images are too big"
Hello, I am trying to upload images to a page in our new website, and all the images are stretched. I would like them to be 271x271. Can anyone help me figure out...
View Articlevara108 on "Can't access dashboard of child website"
Hello, I have been promoted to admin status on a word press site, which allows one to create blogs. So I created a blog, but I don't have access rights to the dash board. Why is that? Is there a higher...
View ArticleDavid Neff on "CSS Problem"
Hello, I am creating a child theme and am having some trouble with the multi-level navigation menu. Here is a screenshot of what happens
View on "Truly Minimal Template - Lost dotted lines?"
I don't know how, but I've lost the dotted lines that are in the original Truly Minimal. They are originally featured in gray on a white background. Now mine are white and there is no option to change...
View Articlemarkdunn25 on "Oxygen Theme - Category Post Image Preview"
Hey there. Currently setting this theme and in my secondary menu I am using the categories, however upon clicking on the categories, it's not displaying the preview images as it does on the home page....
View Articlerainsmom on "How to make a small page container"
I am working with Blocomo, a child theme of Twenty Twelve. I have created a static front page, and now I want to change the entire look of that page. I want to have a small page container located to...
View ArticleCyberAxe on "Adding and removing from .htaccess"
I'm appending data to the .htaccess file that code works however when my theme is deactivated it doesn't remove the changes and so messes up other peoples themes due to some of the changes in there....
View Articlergcsegers on "New pages in Twenty Eleven (child) without dropdwon in menu bar"
When I make a new page in my Twenty Eleven theme it automatically reveales as a dropdown in the menubar. But I just want that for a few pages. The most pages I want to make have to stay in the...
View Articlergcsegers on "Header images in Twenty Eleven without link"
How can I delete the hyperlink form all the header images in Twenty Eleven (I use a child theme)? I tried to delete (parts of) the the text below in 'header.php', but it doesn't work. <a...
View ArticlekizaDesign on "Velvet by Rainbow Themes - Accordions and Tabs not working"
Hi there! I was doing some routine check-ups on websites, and I discovered today that on one of our clients websites:, the accordion tabs are not opening. (see here:...
View ArticleSickSquirrel on "NewsZine theme"
I need to change the header img with a banner I had made. I figured I'd rename my img to the existing one. The header-img.php file under /default them Default_Theme */ /** @ignore */ $img =...
View Articledwwilson21 on "Logo Image on top of Site Title and Page Header"
I am building a new site using a theme I've never used before. I added a logo image at the top, but it is covering up the Site Title, and partially covering up the Page Header. I like where the image...
View Articlesforsman1 on "Link logo to homepage (Twenty Twelve)"
Hi, I have a quick question. I'm using Twenty Twelve and I figured out how to add a logo (below is what I added to style.css in my child theme) but I'm unsure how to make it a link to the homepage, so...
View ArticleNenad__ on "Thumbnail sizes"
Hi everyone, I installed this template: Now, I have a problem with thumbnail sizes on index, search (etc) pages. I change the sizes in Admin panel, but it does not...
View Articlepowerspark on "I can't get into the wordpress interface?"
I recently installed wordpress on my computer along with PHP, MYSQL and Apache. I have got all working fine, well I believe I do, as I get no error messages when I open my .php pages in my web browser...
View ArticleChimpulous on "Adding static element to blog posts page?"
Hi, I'm developing a website under I'm happy with most of it but I want a text summary of my website on the home page, right beneath the header image. I want to do...
View Articlejannaaurora on "[Theme: Minimatica] How to remove image gallery slider on the...
Does anyone know how to remove the black gallery slider/ banner on the homepage? I just want one solid background image visible on the homepage. Thank you for any tips.
View ArticleMickeyRoush on "[Theme: Custom Community] width-calculators.php"
Can anyone tell my why this file needs to be called from HTTP? I do see some CSS within the file. Reason I ask as it's throwing a 403 even if I comment out all .htaccess rules. Thanks in advance for...
View Articlegurusurfer on "Need only one Post on frontpage"
Please help!! I want to keep one post in the front page. i have achieved this already by assigning one post in the reading, but when i publish a newer post, that post is also appearing in the front...
View Articlebasku on "wp_script_is & wp_enqueue_scripts"
Hi :) I am trying to modify an existing theme on local host to suit my needs. When in debug mode I am getting the following notice: wp_script_is was called incorrectly. Scripts and styles should not be...
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