angel10410 on "[Theme: Oxygen] Enlarging Header Image"
Hello! I am newer to using and was not using a child theme when I upgraded my Oxygen theme, so, my customizations did not save :P The customization I want to make is making the header...
View Articleveroniquemongeot on "[ theme: oxygen ] problem with the css editing"
Hi, I have a problem with editing the css : every changes I made on the stylesheet are not effectives on the website. I tried with the wordpress editor and also direclty on the file. Anyone with the...
View Articlempnzep on "How to put 'title' into image tag in Snapshot Theme from Woothemes"
Hi. I´d like to know, how could I put the image title (in 'screenshot' and 'large-image' field), using Snapshot theme from Woothemes, in image tags. The website of the theme:...
View ArticlePlayer1000 on "twentytwelve sidebar size"
I've searched for hours but can't find a concrete answer for changing the size (width and placement) of the sidebar in twentytwelve. I need a little more room in the main window. All the code I find...
View ArticleMabelina on "[Theme: Forever] Remove the Page Titles"
Please help me to figure a way to remove these from all the pages. I have tryed numerous php files and I can not figure out where this is coming from as it is not the masthead header, it is under...
View Articleeloria on "[Theme: Oxygen] Increasing width on posts"
Hi! I want to increase the width of the content on my posts. I feel the text is narrow and would like for it to spread out more. Website: Thank you in advance! Ed
View Articlekamimar on "Theme: Sight"
Does anyone know how to get rid of the boarder around the Sight theme on It's black with...
View ArticleGrafter on "Change MagicBlue theme to one column - how?"
Hello I'm very much a fan of the 'MagicBlue' theme. The problem is its 2 columns, and I really only want one column. While I've managed to hack the CSS code to get the width of the first column to...
View Articletdunks on "[Theme: Venom] No sidebar showing up"
On my site, I am trying to put a facebook like widget in the sidebar for all pages but it is not showing up. Every page is set to page with sidebar, but the sidebar (and thus the widget) are not...
View Articletduschei on "Wordpress 2011 Theme Align Nav Menu"
How do I move my search box to the middle of the nav menu while keeping my link 'home' to the right (where it is now)? my site: Thanks, -Tom
View ArticleRevs on "Where do I edit the foot link?"
Hey! So I am searching how I could modify the link in the footer that comes by default. I have a german version of WP, but it says pretty much the same as in the english one, "Proudly presented by...
View ArticleAurelieVanSimon on "How to merge two different Homepage column option ?"
Hello guys, I have a question regarding mixing two displaying option. My wordpress theme allows me to display to mode of displaying column in Homepage. Screenshots : Horizontal...
View ArticleactionPackedAndy on "[Theme: Hatch] Fix the postioning of background in...
Hey guys, I know this would kinda lose some of the functionality of the theme, but I'm interested in seeing what the site I'm working on would look like if everything had fixed positioning. Is there a...
View ArticleHelen in Wonderlust on "Can I add an image slider to my header in the Forever...
Hi, I'm new to WordPress and trying to make my site as nice as possible. I've downloaded the Easing Slider "Lite" and Meta Slider plug ins, but I can't figure out how to use either them in my header. I...
View Articledaviesjpg on "How to position Header Text & Site description higher on white...
So I know how to remove the maount of white space under and above the header, but I don't know how to position the Title & description higher. I tried margin code for both H1 & H2 and it didn't...
View Articlembadawi23 on "[Theme: Quark] Sharing Widget on Front Page"
Hi, Let me begin by admiring the Quark theme. It is very clean and sleek and very simple to use. I'm just starting to learn about wordpress. I just had my site up last week and I chose Quark theme to...
View ArticleChrisHPZ on "[Theme: Quark] Link to external javascript file"
Hi Anthony, how are you. So first let me say that I love this theme. It is clean, functional and modern. Plus I'm a bit partial to the color scheme. Thanks for making this available to the community....
View Articlecarolinavan on "delete image slider on blog page"
Hi, hope anybody can help me with this. Im using theme Adapt, with plugin polylang to have the site in 2 languages. My goal is to have a static homepage with: *menu *image slider ( plugin metaslider,...
View Articleodcmagazine on "edit wp-admin/style.css and set the body width"
edit wp-admin/style.css and set the body width, how do I and where is the file? Sean
View Articlegoddesse2 on "[Theme: Magazine Basic] Header Image Option Not There in Child...
I installed Magazine Basic 3.0 and have the same complaints as previous posters (it trashed my site, and I had to totally rework it). Having reworked everything, I was trying to properly implement a...
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