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Reply To: [Twenty Seventeen] Header image is huge, I made some changes based on other replies, doesn’t work.


cj thank you so much! I appreciate your solution, however I would prefer not to lose the content navigation I already have defined. There has to be a definitive way to reduce the image header and still retain what I am looking for.

Again, THANK YOU !!!!!

Reply To: [Agama] Banner blog has disapeared in agama blue since update


….or if you want to Agama slider appear on your blog page ,
open customizer and go toSlider->Generalmenu,
scroll down and select homepage in Visibility drop-down.
Save changes.

Change number of slider images?


First of all, Accelerate is a great theme! Thanks for making it!

I just wanted to know if there is a way to change how many slider images are displayed? I’d really rather have 3 for the site I’m developing. I’m sure there must be a way to edit the code to change this, but I want to know if there is a way to do it through the admin interface. Either way, I’d appreciate some help on figuring this one out.


Reply To: [Shoreditch] CSS for H1 on pages


Hi Colin,

Thank you very much. In the main, this worked quite well.

My demo home page using the new template is:


The problems I had was that the CSS to hide the header image did not hide it but I managed to hide it by replacing that block with:

.header-image {
    display: none;

I also had to adjust the CSS like this:

@media screen and (min-width: 1620px) {
.entry-hero, .site-content-wrapper .has-post-thumbnail .entry-header {
 min-height: 55vh;
    width: 2000px;
    height: 500px;
    text-align: center !important;
    font-family: lato !important;
    margin-bottom: -60px;
.entry-hero .entry-title, .site-content-wrapper .has-post-thumbnail .entry-header-wrapper .entry-title {
    font-family: lato, sans serif;
    text-align: center !important;
    margin-bottom: 80px;

Anything less than 1620px was making the text flow off the right hand side of the screen on 15” laptops, although Google’s test was happy with the mobile friendly aspect at a 1020 breakpoint. I work on a 23” monitor so was trying to get everything displaying well on that and then making sure it was acceptable on smaller screens.

I also had to make CSS adjustments so that the 2000px x 500px header appeared the right size as otherwise the header image was being stretched vertically and horizontally and was fuzzy.

I also wanted the text centre aligned and wasn’t keen on the Poppins font so changed that to Lato. I also had a large gap between the header image and start of body text so I adjusted the margin under the header to 80px.

I’m aware that there may be some errors here, perhaps I have conflicting styles but it seems to work on both desktops, tablets and mobile phones.

Unfortunately, I have lost the ability to use, if I wanted, the original Shoreditch full width template and now in the customiser I can only choose from the Default, Panel Page and new Featured header templates.

Would there be any way of getting back use of the original full width template if I wanted to also use that on some pages?

Basically I wanted 1) to retain the original Shoreditch features and 2) have the ability to have the white text on the headers. So No. 2 worked but No. 1 didn’t.

On posts, header images did not show at all but I found I could use featured images instead and they displayed at the correct header image sizes of 2000 x 500, which I liked.

Once again, thank you very much for your help.

Reply To: [Writee] adding a footer menu using a child theme


Hello jdmendame,

Follow below steps:

1. Add below code into your current active child theme’s functions.php file.

function register_footer_menu() {
 register_nav_menu('footer-menu',__( 'Footer Menu' ));
add_action( 'init', 'register_footer_menu' );

2. Add below code into current active child theme’s footer.php file where you want to show menu.

<?php wp_nav_menu( array( 'theme_location' => 'footer-menu' ) ); ?>

3. Now set Footer Menu from DashBoard >> Appearance >> Menus

Check How to Register a Menu in WordPress tutorial.

Hope this will helps you.


Reply To: [OnePress] add content to front page

Reply To: [Sparkling] Slider Images


Hi Bozena,

I hope you are well today and thank you for your question.

I visited your shared site and it is displaying fine for me.

Could you please share the screenshots of the issue?

For screenshots, you can simply provide a link to an image through Google Drive, Dropbox, screencast.com, http://imgur.com/ or other image service. 🙂

Best regards,
Vinod Dalvi

Remove Footer


Hello there

i really enjoy the One-page Express theme. It is super easy to use. I just have two questions:
1) How do I remove the footer which references the name of the theme and that it’s WP?
2) Is there a code to create two columns of information in on section?

Much Thanks

Menu responsive



Le menu dédié au smartphone ne fonctionne pas sur ce thème. Quelqu’un a t il eu le même soucis?

Cannot add Featured Posts


I have created four posts in the general WordPress menu. I want to add them as featured posts in the Kale theme, however when I go to the featured posts customizing page there is no content in the drop down menus under Post 1, Post 2 or Post 3.
I tried inserting the post URl straight into the box but that didn’t work.
I tried deleting the stock post and deleting it from the trash folder as I read that on the forum.
My featured posts are now just three stock photos saying “POST ID:” underneath.

How do I get the posts I created to come up as options in the drop down menu for featured posts?

Thanks very much (I’m new to wordpress)

Reply To: [Kale] Kale Theme how to change the images on the front screen.


Hi there,

Do you mean posts in Featured Posts section or some other place? In order to display 5 posts in Featured Posts just below the header slider you need to modify theme files.

Reply To: [One Page Express] Sections blocks // published not present

Reply To: [Enigma-parallax] Problems with Faded Portfolio & Blog Sections


Actually, I figured out that blog page item. My issue is with making a certain blog category go onto a certain page. For example… I have listed the following Categories… PRODUCTS, ACCESSORIES, and JUST THE TIP. I’d like one page to have blog posts for PRODUCTS on them, one page for ACCESSORIES and the other blog posts for JUST THE TIP to be on their own page. My site is at http://www.trimmermag.com and I’ve already had to hire someone to fix your coding issue on this theme.

Reply To: [Enigma-parallax] Problems with Faded Portfolio & Blog Sections


And now on my impactmarketingus.com site, the main menu is missing due to the theme update. I’ve tried doing what you’ve suggested in other support tickets, however it is still not working. Ugh. I’m going to get a different theme I think. This is just not cutting it! Too many issues with your coding.

Reply To: [Enigma-parallax] Theme update caused menu to disappear


I’m having this same issue, however I tried doing what Support suggested, and reselected the menus, and in the visible editor, it shows up fine. My primary menu is not showing up on the homepage at all now, after the theme update.

Reply To: [Kale] Cannot add Featured Posts


Hi there,

Thank you for getting in touch with us.

Do you see your newly created posts in Posts → All Posts section? If there are posts then go to Appearance → Customize → Front Page → Featured Posts and open Posts 1-3 drop down list. If you are still have an empty list try to deactivate the theme and activate it again. It might be also some plugin conflict.

Please let me know how it goes.

Thank you for your time in this.

Best regards,

Reply To: [Azul Silver] Main Navigation menu too far right not centered



I apologized for the delay, that will fix that problem. I also made the changes too as well if you updated the last version.

Reply To: [One Page Express] Header height


Hi Horearadu,

Actually, I really meant to reduce the whole header, the seperator makes only changes in the shape smaller or bigger.

To make my issue clear, you can go to my website officehero.nl.
I have chosen a shape with the separator height control it is only possible to make the shape on one side smaller. I want to reduce the whole shape, so the shape is not shown like now at the whole page.

Reply To: [Storefront] PHP Fatal error in Storefront theme 2.2.0

Reply To: [Virtue] Article theme Virtue


Worked like a charm! Thank you very much!

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