lhm on "[Theme: Spun] Problems embedding video into post"
Ok, I've tried high and low, but still keep having problems embedding certain videos into my Spun-themed homepage. I succeded in adding a Vimeo video by using: [embed]<a...
View Articlesupraicer69 on "Best way to handle parent and child pages?"
I want to list episodes of a series I am making of instructional videos with content. The patent page "series" will list episodes weekly. Ie: episodes 1, 2, etc. I'm thinking to setup a template to...
View Articlebillrata on "Missing Comments"
First, Published post, post showed fine but no comments box, clicked Recent Posts and comments showed up. Next, pub another post, same thing, except both posts show up on front page. Picking Recent...
View ArticleAzureDesigns on "[Theme: Attitude] Widget - Text box won't delete under...
Hi I'm using the Attitude theme. Under the widgets, I have used the Business Page Sidebar layout for my home page - http://www.execdoors.co.za. I recently figured out how to add the Home page slogan...
View ArticleMichelleRobertson on "[Theme: Restaurant] Changing the size of the slider...
I would like to change the size of the slider images. How could I do this?
View ArticleYardco on "Space above header"
It is probably asked noumerous times before but i cant seem to figure it out. It'd like to completely delete the space above the header. I tried tinkering with the padding in the css file but no luck...
View Articlestecmedia on "[Theme: Virtue] Aligning logo to the right"
Hi The theme is great and all the options work really well! But the thing is, we're only allowed to position the logo to the left or in the center. I would like to be able to move it to the right - yet...
View ArticleWelcomeHomeJoe on "[Theme: Dusk To Dawn] Text in text widgets are underlined...
Hi, Everytime i put text in a text widget the text shows up underlined like it is a link to something, but it is not. Any ideas how to correct this? Joe http://wordpress.org/themes/dusk-to-dawn/
View Articledanielle_r on "disable google font"
Hi all, I'm running the latest version of WP with the child theme accessible-onetwo as the child theme. This uses twentytwelve 1.2 theme as a parent. I just want to do something which I thought would...
View Articletomekrabczuk on "[Theme: Frontier] Slider dont show images in ie8/9"
Hi, i have a problem with slider, firefox or ie10 everything works fine, but ie8/9 images display under background ( or dont display at all). Glad if I could get any help, im working at it all day.
View Articleeugebertoni on "[Theme: Custom Community] Slideshow not loading pictures"
Hi, I have a problem. I installed the free theme custom community and the slideshow does not show me the images. Loads the contents but not the images. I created four post with images, as the default...
View Articleraventx on "Theme: Sporty - Bullets to far over to the left on pages"
I keep running into a wall with this issue, and I cannot figure out how to fix it. I am trying to use bulleted lists on pages, but the bullets are anchored so far to the left of the content, that they...
View ArticleJulie935 on "[Theme: Customizr] Adding slider to category archives page"
I'm using Customizr for a magazine blog and I've set up my categories to appear in the menu. When you click the menu link, it takes you to the category archives which lists the latest posts to that...
View Articleelaineandsparky on "[Theme: Custom Community] Remove Wordpress from bottom"
I've trawled through this forum and found a few post have already been asked about this but for the live of me I still can't find the correct place to edit this for the free version. everyone on the...
View Articlesistacircle on "Spun Theme and BB Press"
I installed BB Press to create groups and forums. Now that I have set up my first group, I am having a problem seeing it display properly across the page. Is this the theme or the plug-in?
View ArticleAquay09 on "[Theme: Customizr] Slider text hiding behind picture in mobile view"
Love this theme, however something weird happened today - when viewing the website (skillweb.info) on a mobile device (android) the text box is hiding behind the image. Has anyone else had this...
View ArticleLarzymodo on "Twenty Eleven Child Theme menu modification"
Hi All http://myschoolweb.org.uk/wordpress/stjosephs/ I nearly have the site layout done, but need to move the the menu items so there is not so much space on the left of the home button. So that the...
View Articlewen.wainwright on "Adding custom page templates"
I would like to add a custom page template into twenty twelve - I already have a child theme. The part where I'm stuck is in that I don't know where in the index.php I should add code so that the new...
View ArticleGeorge Hozendorf on "[Theme: Twenty Eleven] Comment Date Link in TwentyEleven"
Would someone please tell me how to remove the link from the comment replies in TwentyEleven? I've been looking in the forum for hours and can't find anything that isn't 3 or 4 years old and closed.
View Articlemlousf on ""The Columnist" theme add hero image to pages"
Is there a way to include a hero image on the top of pages like there is with posts? Relevant webpage is http://altbibl.io/gazette/about/ Thanks, Ben, for a lovely, visually rich theme!
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