wittyoctopus on "[Theme: Customizr] Changing the .round-div Color Results in...
Ok, one more question for today. I hope... I want to change the entire background of the website to a uniform white. While I was able to do this easily for the basic background, that still left the...
View Articlesliceofsparkle on "[Theme: Twenty Twelve] Move Menu Below Header???"
Hi there!! I have a quick design question. I'd really, really, really like to move my menu BELOW my header, rather than ABOVE it. Is there a quick fix for this? Or any way I can go about doing it...
View Articlelssolberg on "Change default hyperlink font & color - Wordpress 2012 theme"
I would like to change the default font, default size, and default color of hyperlinks within a page/post. Please refer to this page: http://granniegeek.com/recipe-index/baking/ The hyperlink on this...
View Articledgr30 on "[Theme: Book Lite] How to create stand alone pages, not blog roll"
hi all, i have created my menu buttons and am uploading content to my pages, no problem there. my question is: is there a way to configure book lite so that when you click a menu button it goes to a...
View Articleevearoo on "Different text sizing in same paragraph"
I have pasted unformatted text into my text editor however when publishing some of the words are smaller than others. I am using wordpress 3.6 and the 2012 theme which has a child theme activated. I...
View Articlethegoatboy on "Customising the footer with responsive theme"
Hello, Please don't be too harsh on me I am very new to this!! I am trying to customise a footer on my website I want a background image behind the menu at the top, and in the footer. I have managed to...
View Articledmasters13 on "content background help"
Hey Guys, I am new to the wordpress. Appreciate your help. I am trying to get the content background to show and be 50% transparent. I want it on all the pages except the home/front page. Here is the...
View Articledeanna23b on "[Theme: Customizr] Circle Fade on blog posts doesn't work on...
Hi there, love the theme! Thanks for making it available :) I have noticed that the expanding circle on the images for the blog posts on my home page sometimes doesn't work. For the most part it works...
View Articlegscohier on "[Theme: Customizr] Tagline"
I'd changed the colour of my tagline in my Child's theme but it has somehow reverted to the original. This is what I have in the CSS stylesheet of the child theme. /* Take bold off tagline*/...
View Articlelejldk on "My fluxipress site looks awful in Internet Explorer - fixes?"
I just installed the fluxipress theme on http://www.santesson.dk. Looks beautiful on Macs, Ipads, Iphones but awful in Internet Explorer. Anything I can to to fix it? Or will I need to find another...
View Articlecxcallen on "[Theme: discover] Keep slider without posts on static front page"
on the customization, under Static Front Page, i select latest post to show the slider (otherwise it is one of my pages). I would like the slider on my front page but I don't want a post on my home...
View ArticleJohn Stenger on "Editing a wordpress theme"
I am only familar with using an HTML editor, wit Html websites. Once these wordpress themes are downloaded, how do you manipulate or add content to them? ...is there a wordpress editor?
View ArticleWebsiteguy on "What is wrong with this?"
What is wrong with this? <?php /* Plugin Name: A Simple Cookie Persons Visits and Last Visited Shortcode Description: This provides a simple and easy shortcode <code>[visits]</code> that...
View Articlere_peter on "Site Not Center on Iphone"
Hello, I'm having trouble getting my site to center on an iphone properly. It seems to be skewing to the left. There also appears to be a very faint border around my header (which I am trying to get...
View ArticleRakoonie on "[Theme: Customizr] Center the header"
Thanks again for all your help. I have read the thread found at http://wordpress.org/support/topic/increase-logo-size, which has helped me immensely, but I would like to know of there's a way the...
View Articlen3v3rm1nd on "[Theme: Customizr] Fade effect with hover activated menu /...
hy there .. is just lookes an hour long for a solution to my problem. I'm using this code to make the dropdwon menu hover on mouse over that i found via the faq : /*make the menu sub-menu items drop...
View Articlekerelberel on "If else statement to either show an image or a video"
I have a template which shows the featured image in the following way (I editted the original code to suit my needs): <?php if ( is_singular() && is_main_query() ) { if (...
View Articlewittyoctopus on "[Theme: Customizr] Circle Affect Disappears When Pressed on...
This problem has absolutely no impact on my website but as I tend to be an aesthetic stickler it kind of gnaws at me. While viewing my site on the iPad if I touch on one of the "featured pages" to...
View Articleheatherkehoe on "[Theme: Clean Retina] Content Slider dimension"
How do I change the Content slider height? My images are cropped at the recommended 962px width, but I would like the height of the slider to be 800px. Any help would be great. Thank You!
View Articlemn8101xb on "Stubborn footer padding"
I have a large amount of white space below my content. I inspected with firebug and see I have some margin and padding I can get rid of on my footer. But when I add the code below to my child theme...
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