nosferatu999 on "[Theme: Max Magazine] Full page template for posts"
I'm looking to create full-page posts without the sidebar but I'd like to display the sidebar as normal on the front page. I can choose the full-width template for pages but I'm trying to do the same...
View ArticleDavid Barnes761 on "[Theme: The Bootstrap] Bootstrap navigation - .nav-collapse"
Having problems with The-Bootstrap Theme's ".nav-collapse". On first toggle, the drop-down menu does not function properly but, after closing and re-toggle, it works. I did some research and found out...
View Articlepalmerstoneroad on "Facebook Lightbox in Sidebar"
Hi, I'm trying to add the Facebook Lightbox in my Wordpress sidebar but it won't appear. Can you please help me and tell me how to fix it? thanks!
View on "Theme: ClearVideo - Text won't show up"
Hi I am unable to get text to show up on my page that has thumbnails of my different photo galleries on I have added text as I would a normal page in the...
View ArticleMariaWeb on "colorway lite-footer fill background"
hi i'm having trouble making the footer image fill the background... hard to explain -.-U but i want to have the footer background similar to this site: I tried changing the width...
View Articlezeklein on "[Theme: Celestial - Lite] Banner Image not found"
Hi, I followed the instructions, added the advanced text widget, dragged it on the showcase front page widget, named the title and noted the code in the field: <img...
View Articlerosscgeller on "[Theme: BlogoLife] Change Color of Sub-Page in Navigation Bar?"
I am trying to change the color of the sub-page in the navigation bar. For example on my page ( ) the Newsletter Page has a sub-page with the previous newsletters. I was able to change...
View Articlebichoner on "[Twenty Ten] Problem with password protected page"
Hello, I have a problem, which I'm not able to solve and I hope you can help me out. On this page there is the possibility to log in, i e I've made the page...
View Articlebaraban on "Simple Catch tags on index page"
Hi guys! I have quite simple question: how can I het tags on the main page just after the header of every single post. I don't need post author's name and comments number, but tags instead. Thanks in...
View Articlemilogus on "[Theme: Custom Community] I would like to remove the title of a...
I would like to remove the title of a page specifies (the title of my home, which is a static page) The title would remain in the main menu, but not in the body of the page ... what procedure?
View Articlejannisbetschki on "Loop limit by screen size"
Hello, So I'm currently working on a responsive theme. Now I'm looking for a way to limit the loop by screen-size (window size). For example: if the window is above 1919px (width) it should load 7...
View Articleehanson2 on "Shuttershot Theme Slideshow Assistance"
I recently downloaded the Shuttershot theme for my photography site and am trying to add my images to replace the default slideshow. Searching through Google only turned up a 4 min video released by...
View Articleejswan on "[Theme: Pinboard] Fixed instead of fluid width?"
I'm trying to make my pinboard site a fixed width. Every time I minimize my browser the website goes with it and I don't want that at all. I like the way it looks when my browser is 1250px wide but I...
View Articlerhyannelise on "adding image to sidebar widget"
my site is, and I'm trying to add an "accredited by" image to the sidebar. The image is...
View Articlemakta112 on "Hvaing trouble centering"
Hi I'm trying to center a leaderboard with css but I'm somehow unable to do it. Can someone help please? This is the website, and the leaderboard is the one on top.
View Articleblackhall on "[Theme: Preference Lite] Moving My Header"
Hello, I think I accidently made some changes to the theme. The site is: I want to get my header back above the menu because as it stands it is below it. I would greatly...
View Articlescgupta on "customizing header in pinboard theme"
First of all, thank you for developing this wonderful theme. I just built a small personal website. I consolidated and migrated my web presence from blogger and various google sites/pages into a single...
View Articletassb on "[Theme Phomedia] Apparent incompatibility with WPeC 3.8.11"
After updating WPeC i can no longer view any previously uploaded products and when trying to upload new ones only a blank page appears. I saw the message stating You are currently using WPeC 3.8.11. We...
View Articlecottonduckdesignstudio on "change color of "link" in custom menu portfolio page"
[topic title moderated - ] Website: Let me preface by saying the thought of code makes me break out in...
View Articleakilakannan on "[Theme: Customizr] How to add more sliders in homepage"
Hi, I can't add more than one slide to the frontpage in the customiz'it. I'm new to wordpress. The theme looks great and easy to learn. Thanks.
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