sweetchillimedia on "[Theme: Hatch] Only new images showing when updating...
Hi, I have previously created a gallery page with 30 images. Everything was fine until I add new images from the media library. When I added two new images to the gallery making 32 images only the two...
View Articlemiketurco on "[Theme: Alexandria] CSS file logic"
Hope I'm not driving you crazy, I know I've been asking a lot of questions. Re. css files, there is lite.css in the main folder and alexandria.css in the skins folder. I've noticed that at least some...
View Articlejlewis54 on "[Theme: Alexandria] remove the words "Posted by: xx""
Is it possible to remove the words "Posted by: xx" on the Posts pages? I would just like to keep the date portion. Thx!
View Articlejosiah957 on "file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini."
Hey, So I am new to web design and coding and all the such. I have been using wordpress as I found it to be friendly to people such as myself. I recently purchased a premium theme and when going to...
View Articleastrid85 on "[Theme: Zenon Lite] change photo in block"
how do i change the pictures in one of the blocks and also to fit nicely ? also when you go with your arrow over the block i get info in the corners and also the name of the picture (this also with the...
View ArticleValentinePills on "[Theme: Duena] Featured Images"
How can I fix the blurriness of the featured images on the theme. The images aren't blurry and show up true to size and resolution in the slider but on the posts they show up blurry and I'm not sure...
View ArticleTatttoo on "[Theme: Mantra] How to add custom html ?"
Hello, I am keeping the theme but i added more columns. I have the full html code that i would like to replace the current one. I have searched in the FTP for any file that may be the home page but i...
View ArticleDistiple on "Incomplete child theme CSS"
So Im creating a child theme for my new theme (have done this successfully before). I created a style.css file in my new child theme folder and added the import rule to import the parents stylesheet....
View Articlebburns on "[Theme: Duster] iPhone Width Too Narrow"
When my website (http://www.BrendanBurns.com) loads on the iPhone it displays too narrow - it's the minimum width of the theme. It works fine on the iPad. I have not altered any of the HTML or CSS for...
View Articleuppalapati41 on "How to add image to thumbnail link in portfolio"
Hello can anyone tell me how to add images to thumbnail link so that when i press on thumbnail in portfolio it should show me new image not the same image.
View Articledsgjax on "[Theme: Expound] Disable featured post category overlays"
Hello. Expound is a really nice theme, nice work. Where would I be able to hide or eliminate the overlays that appear on home page thumbs of featured posts? Thanks and & keep up the good work!
View Articlearunprakash on "[Theme: Expound] Front page footer"
I had your theme installed at http://maattru.com . It works fine, but in the footer of the home page i need to insert some menus. since it is scrollable it has some different footer (says "Proudly...
View Articleakilakannan on "[Theme: Customizr] How to change Menu Colour"
Hi Nikeo, How to change the color of the Menu Items? Thanks, Akila
View Articlebennieb on "[Theme: Expound] site is blank on safari and iPad"
When i use your theme, the only thing i see on my ipad and safari on the mac is a small arrow from the menubar... the rest of the page is blank. When i hit the reader button in the linkbar i'll get the...
View Articleshooting star press on "update you entire theme folder or lib folder"
Can any explain how i can update my current theme on my wordpress side there was an update and i have downloaded the updated theme but need it to update the entire theme folder or lib folder. thanks
View Articlemammooney on "Add rollover hover image to the menu nav bar"
site: confessionsfromagirlwholovesfootball.com theme: Adelle Hello there, I am trying to add a rollover hover image to each of my menu tabs in the navigation bar and I cannot seem to figure out how to...
View Articlebullymaxinc on "Removing spacing on layout of both the content section and...
I'm trying to fix the spacing on this website to push all of the content together. Right now everything is spaced out too much. There is a large space above and below the main content section, a space...
View Articlepoolts on "[Theme: Mystique] Remove wrapping around post featured image"
How do you stop the post text wrapping around the post's featured image. I just want to the text to start immediately below the image. I've tried changing the css values for the thumbnail, getting rid...
View ArticleJason Bridges on "[Theme: Expound] Custom Post Types"
Hello again, I have set up a custom post type using the Types plugin, and made a post, but I found out these types of posts won't display on the home page. I found a plugin to solve that, but then I...
View Articleakesin on "unique HEADER IMAGE for a page in THE STATION theme"
Wondering if anyone familiar with THE STATION theme can suggest a good method of changing the top header/logo image for one single specific page? I've tried a couple of different plugins including...
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