mariska88 on "[Theme: Spun] Howto use blog format for pages"
Hi! I love this theme, thank you for making it available. Right now this theme creates a circle on the index site whenever you add a new post, is there any way to be able to do the same with pages? I'd...
View Articlehelviobrito on "[Theme: Silver Spot] Including a logo"
How can I include a logo instead of the site name, above header image?
View Articleshahnaz on "[Theme: Simple Catch] featured slider featured text, issue on...
for my site the text blow the featured slider for very first slide is displayed properly on iphone but the following slides text are all too small. How do i go about...
View Articlewaresbuy on "[Theme: Spine] Print Preview Fail"
I have a self hosted WP site and have Jetpack In SHARE settings I have enabled the PRINT button When I select the PRINT button the PRINT PAGE opens but with a message "Print Preview Failed"; this...
View ArticleKennyReff on "[Theme: Pinboard] How to hide links in header"
Can someone please tell me how to delete the links in the header that say "Recent Comments", "Archives" and "Categories" They take up too much space. For that matter, I'd love to kill the Search field...
View Articlecalvinhochiheng on "Making changes with a download thme"
Hi I am new to the whole wordpress thing, i want to find out if i was to download a theme made by someone else and use it, what kind of changes would i beable to make? just in colours ? adding pics?...
View Articlewpforum on "How to get search box to find image description text for Jetpack...
How can I get the search box to find the text included in the image Alt Text and Description? For example, in the search box, type in "Viggo Mortensen" and you will see...
View Articleljkeashly on "[Theme: The Bootstrap] single.php not overidden by child theme"
Hi, I have made a child theme from the-bootstrap. All pages, the blog overview page are using my child theme, but when you click into a single post, it is using the-bootstrap theme instead of the child...
View Articlemanofweb on "[Theme: D5 CORPORATE LITE] Favicon"
How can I change the Favicon in D5 Corporate Lite? Thanks for the free version.
View Articledirgis on "[Theme: Responsive] Get rid of the "archive" widget"
Hi there, I am a fairly new wordpress user, but I kind of worked my way around the responsive wordpress theme. However, I can't find a way of getting rid of the archive-widget on the page with all the...
View Articlesatimis on "How to change the color of blogname"
Hi all, Twenty Eleven Cimy Header Image Rotator <td> <input id="blogname" class="regular-text" type="text" value="Hymn" name="blogname"> </td> The color of "Hymn" is black. How can I...
View Articlepoemaderoca on "[Theme: Customizr] Slider problem - image height cut off"
Hi. I have a problem with image slider. The slider cuts off images height and shows them as narrow stripes. I tried to delete pictures and upload again but didn't help. Also deleted slider and created...
View ArticlePedro Rodrigues on "Bones Starter Theme - Navigation menu"
Hi, I've recently started developing a wordpress theme in order to redesign my old portfolio website (which currently is not a dynamic cms-based site): Previously I made a thematic...
View ArticleChapDaddy65 on "All other pages keep showing homepage template content"
Just installed a fresh Local WP with 0 plugins active. I started to create my theme using the template BlankSlate. I created 5 empty published pages (home, blog, portfolio, projects, contact) and each...
View Articledequecolour on "Adding a News Sign Up Box in Header - 2012"
I'm programming a site using the Twenty Twelve Theme. I'd like to add a box for newsletter sign-up in the header -- similar to how this site has hers: I've got a mailchimp...
View Articletheatereleven on "Basic Plugin & Theme Question - Underscores"
Hey forum - I'm brand spanking new to WP. Have done all my sites in Textpad with just HTML/CSS/jQuery in the past. So...I've chosen Underscores as the base starter theme. My two questions: 1) I've...
View Articlejmarc4312 on "Can't click dropdown menu items on my site- twenty eleven"
Using Twenty Eleven. Dropdown menu items are not clickable. They disappear as soon as you move the curser down. mysite is divesummit .com if you go to my site and hover over about and try to click on...
View Articlejzahara on "[Theme: Oxygen] Header Issue"
I previously used the oxygen theme on where it allows you to have a custom header that still displays the website Title and description. Now, I either get a tiny banner where the Site...
View Articlefiddlepicsphotography on "Minimatica Child Theme Stylesheet missing"
I am desperately trying to create a child theme for Minimatica. I followed instructions found on numerous tutorials to a "t" and WP insists that the stylesheet is missing. I have tried every single...
View Articlerpb161 on "One Colum Themes"
I've been scouring the web for the past couple of weeks for something simple but can't seem to find much. I'm looking for simple, clean, true one column theme. No sidebars and no crazy front page...
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