RazelDazel2 on "[Theme: Parament] excert to long"
i noticed that the excerts are not really excerts. it basically posts the full article/ post. shouldn't this be limited to 55 words or 30 words? http://www.pitime.net thanks,...
View Articlemikethk on "CSS showing differently between browsers."
Hello all. When i do this: .intra_tekst{ z-index:2; position:absolute; left:558px; top:325px; } Then the image which uses the above CSS, wont be placed correctly at the same spot. It seems odd, when it...
View ArticleZotiFrodo on "Header only in frontpage delicate theme"
Hi could anyone help to code the delicate theme in order to have the header only in static front page and not to show in other pages. Especially I do not want to have it at contact us page. thank you
View Articlejohnjrval424 on "[Theme: Nuntius] Move header image/site title"
I would like to know: (1) How can I move the header image to another location within the header; or (2) How can I move the site title to the right. My website is here:...
View ArticleKosuki on "[Theme: Expound] Change Header Text to Header Image"
http://www.avilamassagespa.com My header is currently text with a sub category under the primary header. I want to change it to a image based header and not a text based header. I have no idea what...
View ArticlePreeny on "Numbers are smaller than letters in my font, please help"
I am using the Emboss theme for my site and as you can see on this page numbers are smaller then the letters in the font that the theme uses. How can i alter either the size of the numbers or the font...
View Articlechicocrocante on "[Theme: Twenty Eleven] Excerpt font properties"
Hello guys. My site is this. As you can see im using Twenty Eleven theme with excerpts and thumbnails. I used .entry-content p { on style.css to change post font properties, but in excerpts it show...
View Articleprins perez on "[Theme: WP StrapGrid Lite] misssing menu"
after checking my slider i cant see my menu any longer. unchecking it however reveals the menu but i want to use both the slider and menu on my website. thank you.
View Articlefestivals4fun on "How important is jetpack? current theme uncompatible with it"
Kind of new on Wordpress.. I had been using this one theme that has been working in the past but it won't work with jet pack; so I disable jetpack. Does it make wordpress a lot more difficult if I...
View Articlebck5WG on "[Theme: Mosaic] Flickr Images"
Hi Artur, I have at least 12 pictures for every post, to save on memory and for faster loading, I would like to embed images from Flickr. When I paste the link from Flickr, the very first image shows...
View Articleweberagr on "[Theme: Customizr] Change background color to 3 circles (feature...
I have changed the body background color and the 3 circles (featured pages) are white. Could you please help me, where I can change this background? Thanks in advance
View ArticleTehue on "[Theme: Small Business] How to exclude a post of the slider? (free...
Hi friends. I need to exclude some of my post of the Slide Show. It is possible in the free version? If it is not possible, I think it should be in a "business" theme. I hope you unterstand that not...
View Articledasparks on "[Theme: Custom Community] z-index issue (menu and rev slider)"
I'm using the standard custom community theme. After posting a revolution slider into a page the menu now shows up behind it. I'm trying to input different codes into the custom css tab but to no...
View Articlenachodragon on "[Theme: Custom Community] Moving header text"
I have inserted an image and would like to move the text over to the right. I have tried to do this for some time and cannot figure it out. As it is the text is sitting on top of my image and I don't...
View Articlemicha11 on "[Theme: Clean Retina] Remove text and link slideshow"
Hi, I want to remove the text and the link to the photos in the slideshow. Thanks
View Articleieps on "[Theme: Custom Community] Tagline"
Hi, How can I change tagline font? Thank you.
View Articlethedragongoddess on "[Theme: Custom Community] Customize the responsive theme"
Is there a way I can customize the settings on the responsive layout? All of my content on the Community and Shop pages appear at the bottom and the sidebars appear where the content should be. My...
View Articlemadina on "Remove 'Archive' from Category/Blog Title"
I trying to remove the default 'ARCHIVE' part of the title of my Blog pages to display. Ive search the net and cannot find the text within the archive.php as is often suggested. Seems like an obvious...
View Articleclem97 on "[Theme: Custom Community] How to put the "homepage-last-posts" on...
Hello, The home page of my website is the "user activity", and not the most recent posts. But I would like to add at the top of my home page (at the top of "user activities"), the summary that appears...
View Articleechoaz on "Menu not working on Mobile device using Customizr theme"
My menus work fine on laptop and desktop but its just a red button on the mobile that shows no drop down of pages to click on.
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