andychristo on "locating picture in the banner"
Chaps, I didn't want to reopen an old thread, so I thought I will open a new one instead. On this site, I am trying to locate and remove one of the banner pictures specifically this one...
View Articlelaragazzaconlavaligia on "Tumblr theme into a WP theme"
Hello! I wanted to change the theme for my website, I'm really a newbie when it comes to html and php, even if I tried lots of times to customize a bit my themes. For my site I wanted a Tumblr theme,...
View Articleturbobee on "[Theme: raindrops] header clear so you can see background"
Hi, I'm wondering how I can make the header clear so when I put an image up I can see the background image on parts of the header image that are clear. Here is an example:...
View Articlerschulze on "[Theme: Spun] Home-button instead of the whole menu"
Hey guys, first of all: thanks to Caroline for this great theme ;) Here's my problem: I don't have any pages, so I don't need a drop-down menu. I do like the Home-button of the menu though. When I...
View ArticleMF12 on "[Theme: Attitude] Color Code"
Hello all, Could you tell me color codes of dark blue, light blue and gray on Attitude? Thank you!
View ArticleKreative71 on "Oxygen color link a:hoover"
Hi, I need a simple help please. In the website i don't want the blue under some links in footer. And by the way how can i change the black in the right upper menu ? I am using...
View Articlemartinr7 on "[Theme: Twenty Twelve] Page Link Bar Help"
A basic question, I know, but it's driving me crazy. I have a Wordpress site with a standard Twenty Twelve theme. At the top, between the header and the header image, is a link bar, with links to the...
View ArticleCharlieLivingston on "Remove bullets from text widget"
So in Chrome, not Firefox, there's a bullet appearing before the 'Best Hosting' title in a text widget in my sidebar, and I can't work out why. Possibly there's something wrong with the HTML in the...
View Articleempeyzee on "[Theme: Catch Everest] Widgets Aren't Showing on Homepage..."
Hi, I am having a problem with widgets on my website. I am using Catch Everest them and have selected the 'no sidebar' layout setting on each indivual page e.g. about, gallery etc. I have archives...
View ArticleKreative71 on "Need little help in color links to finish work."
I need some help to finish these work. The menu on the upper left corner must be without lines and letters in bold and color pink. When put the mouse on change to black. And in the footer is the...
View Articleanoctave on "[Theme: Quark] move main navigation to banner"
I want to move the main navigation to the banner. In the previous support topic you said to move the navigation to the banner. Right now, I've suppressed the visibility of the nav menu with a display:...
View Articletwriterext on "Can't upload custom header plus error when trying to connect"
I am new to WordPress (although not new to html and css), and I must admit to finding WordPress a steep learning curve, although I am usually good with applications. At present, when I try to view my...
View ArticleRalph Shan on "What do these @ mark mean in TwentyTwelve css"
Hi, In twentytwelve template css, what do they mean: @media screen and (min-width: 600px) { ... } @media screen and (min-width: 960px) { ... } I find my top page always was followed by @media screen...
View Articlejhp1016 on "[Theme: Twenty Ten] thumbnail setting"
Hi-1 photo is missing the thumbnail setting option. All was well, it was on the front page, matching in size to the others, but when I...
View ArticleGabriDias on "[Theme: Easel] How to make the header fill the entire page width?"
Hi, I don't know how to make the header fill the entire page width, someone can help me? (my header it's a image .jpg). Thanks!
View ArticlepaulNivy on "How to install Favicon on this Celestial - Lite Theme?"
Hi Guys, Can someone tell me how to post this favicon? It seems I can't figure out where to load this icon. thanks
View Articlenachodragon on "[Theme: Custom Community] Moving header text"
I have inserted an image and would like to move the text over to the right. I have tried to do this for some time and cannot figure it out. As it is the text is sitting on top of my image and I don't...
View Articlejerseyfresh2 on "[Theme: Twenty Twelve] home page image rotator"
Hello I am new to wordpress and themes. I would like to know how I can for the home page image make that a slide or rotate image like I see on so many popular themes. Also if how do I change the size...
View Articlemeoop on "Container? Or BrandImg - Twenty-ten CSS" How can I make the header/menu line up with the white? I have tried everything and nothing is moving. I have tried 'Container' and the 'BrandImg' to line things up for...
View Articleartist57 on "[Theme: Customizr] Remove h2 permalink, on Homepage" Been 3 days no help? Just want to remove the h2/permalink at the bottom of my homepage "{no title} read the post" without removing the h1/permalink "drawn2pencils".
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