ElectricFeet on "[Theme: Customizr] Crop slider image from top instead of...
Hi Nicolas, In a recent thread, you said: as of now, the slider height is fixed, depending on the screen resolution : 500px for a normal computer screen, 385px for a tablet, ... It might be an...
View Articlebsapaka on "[Theme: eSell] where is my sidebar?"
http://www.theawesomecleaners.com/services/ Is the sidebar a premium feature only? Sidebar is missing even though I have things placed in the sidebar widget.
View Articletossytm on "[Theme: Hueman] How to change the Top Bar /Menu text color"
I am using hueman wordpress theme, I would like to : 1.change the text color of top bar menus. How can I do? 2. I would like to change the background and text color for Header Menu (without including...
View Articletossytm on "[Theme: Hueman] remove name of category and date in slider"
Thanks for this wonderful theme! 1. I would like to remove category name and date in my slider, how can I do that 2. Make the title of the slider (post title) be very close to the slider or at the very...
View Articlecoastalcutthroat on "Can't filter on category in loop with custom post type"
I absolutely can not get my loop to category filter, it's a custom post type. Thanks! <?php $args=array( 'post_type' => 'portfolio', 'post_status' => 'publish', 'posts_per_page' => 45,...
View Articlejfenton on "[Theme: Twenty Twelve] 2012 suppress header and menu printing...
Need to suppress printing site title, the tagline and menu with 2012 child theme on a specific page. Page locaton: everlastinghappiness.com/meditation style.css: .page-id-49 .entry-title { display:...
View Articlebaskatip on "[Theme: Decode] featured images"
first of all thank you for the great theme scott! my only wish is to show the featured images of the posts when i choose "Use entry excerpts instead of full text on site home. Excludes sticky posts."...
View Articlethedragongoddess on "[Theme: Decode] Make header bigger and featured images...
Hi~! I wanted to know is there a code I can input into the custom CSS field to make the header image big/box resize? I do not like that tiny icon header. I really love this theme and if I can get a...
View ArticleParentingInNKY on "Adelle help: transfering .com CSS to .org"
I have been using the Adelle for WordPress.com on WOrdpress.org. I just switched to Adelle 3.8.1 for .org. 1.How do I translate me .com CSS to the .org? I use Jetpack. The main differences are the...
View ArticleFimo73 on "[Theme: Hatch] strange output of post-thumbnails on static homepage"
Hi there, the thumbnails of my posts on the static homepage look quite different to the demo of the theme. Have a look: raum73.de As you can see, the titel of the posts are not displayed inside of the...
View Articlebck5WG on "[Theme: Hueman] Use More Tag Instead of Excerpt and Switch to 1...
Hi, I have two questions: 1. Using More Tag instead of Excerpt. Is it possible to use the more tag instead of the excerpt so that the first image on the post is used on the blog list on the front page...
View Articledave_m_moore on "[Theme: Tempera] Featured Images not present"
Hi. Despite a lot of effort I simply cannot get featured images to appear on the posts. I've enabled all the settings in the Featured Image Settings in the Tempera settings section and still nothing....
View Articlericharduk on "[Theme: Childishly Simple] Theme author note: home page...
If your home page looks 'different' after the latest update it might be because sidebars on the home page are now turned off by default. Scroll down to the home page section and click the appropriate...
View Articlewhiteseito on "[Theme: Icy] Is It Possible to Make 3 Column on ICY bro??"
as the Title.. is it possible to make 3 column version of ICY theme my brother? do you have some planning to make it 3 column version one day? ;) thanks
View Articlebck5WG on "[Theme: Hueman] More Tag instead of Excerpt and 1 column for blog...
Hi Alex, 1. Question on using More Tag instead of Excerpt. 99% of my images are in portrait layout so I don't use featured image because it turns out gigantic. Is it possible to use the more tag...
View Articlenbdevito on "[Theme: Highwind] Increasing Header Image Size Part 2"
I know this question has already been asked and "resolved" but I cannot get the solution to work on my site. I have removed the Title and Tagline because I want to put that in a graphic, but when I...
View Articlekhartist on "How do I find which theme is activated?"
I have the 2011 child theme activated; however, a developer recently updated my WP and since doing so, I've lost my footer info. I noticed a new footer.php file within my child theme file and it refers...
View Articlemiralo on "[Theme: DW Minion] [editor-style.css] problem with max-width 630px"
Hi, i have a problem with the editor's width in my admin panel that is fixed to 630px; I tried to modify the css file setting max-width to 100% but it doesn't work. Can you fix that? On large monitor...
View Articlexondra on "[Theme: Customizr] Align text on footer widgets"
Greetings! I noticed that the footer widgets are center aligned. I wish to change this but nothing seems to work. I tried adding style code into the "text widget" but it would never save the text I...
View Articlexondra on "Setting a default language of customizr"
My second question (I posted one before) relates to the website's default language. I realized Customizr is so responsive that will automatically translate into any language of those included in the...
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