Hilding on "[Theme: Leaf] resize header image"
How can I do for resize the header image? I want to enlarge it. Actually I tried to change width and height parametres on custom-header.php but it doesn't work. I need the header image take all the...
View Articleartist57 on "How to delete div.container-child theme"
http://drawn2pencils.comI have created a child theme for Customizr and have a css manager plug-in that I have been utilizing to tweak the various elements of the site. There is a container at the...
View Articlecritiqueboutique on "[Theme: Preference Lite] Upgrade 1.7 - Did the submenu...
Hi, I did not make my submenu color change through a child template the first time. I just upgraded to Preference Lite 1.7 and I can't seem to follow the instructions previously posted. The menu.css...
View Articleoverc on "[Theme: Twenty Ten] Sticky header"
I'm very new to this, so bear with me. I created a child theme for twenty ten. From my understanding you can edit specific parts of the site by copying and pasting the relevant code from the parent to...
View ArticleKayVol on "Market Data Collection Form"
I'm designing a website for a company that sells many products. I would like to create a link on each product page to a form showing all products where customers can select which products they would...
View Articlevcr1976 on "How to install Thumbnail"
I write Travel blog and I want a picture to be used as thumbnail in my posts when displayed on the home page . I am using Attitude Theme from wordpress. please help
View Articledjpn on "[Theme: Responsive] Support for Japanese Language"
Does the free version of Responsive support Japanese language both in admin and on the front end?
View Articleagreig88 on "Problem finding responsive theme"
I am trying to find the "responsive" theme to install onto my website. When trying to search for "responsive", or clicking on "featured" I am receiving the following message: An unexpected error...
View Articlemren on "[Theme: Pinboard] Empty spaces on homepage"
Hi, I have too much whitespace between two entries on the homepage. Any way/idea to solve that problem? See https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/72964873/WP-pinboard-prob.png (a screenshot of my local...
View ArticlePedro Rodrigues on "Bones Starter Theme - Navigation menu"
Hi, I've recently started developing a wordpress theme in order to redesign my old portfolio website (which currently is not a dynamic cms-based site): ingrediente-x.com Previously I made a thematic...
View ArticleDrebeltrami on "Moving a element in HTML"
I can't seem to get the "Keep Reading" button on the homepage Genesis slider widget from being cut off by the text paragraph as it's buried in the <p> tag. When I use Firebug and edit the HTML...
View ArticleCPTC > Post"">Atomix on "Permalink / Breadcrumb structure issue with Page > CPTC > Post"
Hey guys, We're setting up some fairly large websites with lots of content and custom post types and have come to a bit of an issue with permalinks / breadcrumb structure following our menu.. This is...
View ArticleGrowfuse on "Formatting Will not work"
I have a website and I cannot get the formatting to work at all. I am trying to use bullet points and spacing. I could enter a huge space on a page on my site and as soon as I hit publish it will...
View Articlekuting on "How to make background work on text widet"
I'm using an older theme and was able to make it work somehow with the current wordpress version. However, I'm having trouble fixing the text widget. If i add a text widget, it doesn't seem to show the...
View Articlesoumyaunknown@gmail.com on "Ajax WordPress Pagination does not Work"
Hello I am looking for : Ajax WordPress Pagination I have added below code in index.php <ul id='PaginationExample'> <li><?php next_posts_link('« Older Entries')...
View Articledandushe on "displaying comments on mog theme"
Hi everyone, so I am currently using the template Mog and I would like for the comments that people leave to show up under the article; Instead under the article it says 1 comment so you have to click...
View Articlecarovienna on "change link in custom logo in theme delicate"
Hi, can you please tell me how i can change the link in the custom logo http://test.sisonke-design.com/blog/ so that it links to my website http://sisonke-design.com/ ? I would like to use the delicate...
View Articleapdj on "[Theme: raindrops] Raindrop "warning" messages plus loss of left menu"
Since the latest update of Raindrops I have lost the left column menu altogether. In addition, I get the following warnings: Warning: array_search() expects parameter 2 to be array, null given in...
View Articleadorkablii on "Invisible Title"
I was wondering if someone could help me make my title invisible. When I go to Appearance - Themes - Customize and put the title in it shows up under my header and I would like it to be invisible. I...
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