waterlin on "I can not load my theme, why?"
I don't know why this happened and I also can't find the way to fix it. My blog can't load theme, here is the URL: http://qinqinsese.org. In the control panel theme editor, I can see the enabled theme...
View ArticleMmmmBalf on "[Theme: Parabola] How to disable image fade on mouse over"
All of the images that I've added to various pages fade when moused over. I've made it so that none of them are links but they still fade. I'd like them just to remain as is when a viewer is scrolling...
View Articlecquesada on "[Theme: Vantage] Too much H1 tags in my site"
Hello, I have Vantage and after putting some test content and css customizations i'm looking for the SEO. I see that in all the pages there are two H1 tags that are not relevant to seo. These are the...
View Articleshabz on "[Theme: Spun] centering header image"
Hi, How can I center my header image? thisismuseum.com thanks!
View Articlejfgtoons on "[Theme: ComicPress] Site disappeared please help"
Hi, I was editing the html code and I must've made a massive blunder because my site has now disappeared. I'm not even sure what I changed. It is a blank page if you visit it jfgtoons.com I have no...
View Articlelolka111333 on "[Theme: Parabola] How to remove slider?"
Hello, how can i remove the slider from my homepage?
View Articlevaelliott21 on "[Theme: Snaps] Featured Image Size"
When I add a featured image to my post they appear cropped and shorten on the homepage, very unlike the vertical block that appears when no featured image is use. They are about half the height and the...
View ArticleDykarna on "[Theme: Snaps] What size on frontpage?"
The size of the "featured image" so it is best for FrontPage? I want pictures of the black squares, and I think the size is fine as it is
View ArticleHrRinger on "Fancy box - can't find where it's defined."
I have a fancy box on this page: http://www.mercurymosaics.com/mosaic-classes/ It currently says "View Calendar Beginner and Advanced Classes" and I want to remove the "and advanced" but can't seem to...
View Articlejunglejamjohn on "Choosing a Theme"
There are many, many themes available on several websites. Trying to choose the right one is overwhelming. It is hard to know if one is good for your needs unless you actually install and use the...
View Articlelaunyc on "[Theme: Analytical Lite] Transparent Logo"
I tried to upload my logo but it comes up with a black background. The file was created in photoshop to be transparent. How can I fix this? Thanks in advance.
View ArticleMrs.Kool on "[Theme: Customizr] Link from a page content portion to an...
Sorry if this is too basic. I have searched topics and google for an answer. Most posts relate to menu links or page forwarding. I want to be able to write a review e.g. on an organization and then put...
View Articlejoejozwowski on "Child theme not incorporating Child Style.css"
I've done MANY child themes in the past, but this one is currently stumping me. I took a look at the header of the style.css of the parent and this is what I got: /* Theme Name: Parent Theme Theme URI:...
View Article5high on "change color for entry-content h2 in Twentytwelve child theme"
Hi, I currently have a child theme of Twentytwelve, which is working Ok, and where I've managed to change the font colour of the .entry-content h3 to red (#BF0202). I'd like to change all...
View Articlesaravanan.baskaran on "Circular Redirect Path"
Hi, http://www.geturdeals.com is my website. When i am posting any link in facebook its not pulling the image from webiste. I tried running the debig tool and i got "Circular Redirect Path- Circular...
View Articlemechx1 on "[Theme: Vantage] dropdown indicators in main menu"
We are running Vantage Premium with a child theme. Is there a simple way to add down arrows next to each text tag in main navigation when a dropdown exists?
View Articleokmnhyxx on "苹果"
苹果是蔷薇科,落叶乔木,叶椭圆形,有锯齿;果实球形,味甜,是普通的水果,也是最常见的水果,富含丰富的维生素营养,是世界四大水果(苹果、葡萄、柑桔和香蕉)之冠。 <b>百科:苹果</b>
View Articledeejayspinz on "Cant see theme in Admin Panel"
I was looking around my themes in the control panel and noticed that I no longer see settings etc for my current active theme (Constructor). My site is working fine using the theme, and the folder is...
View Articletechcrium on "[Theme: Cave] Menu doesn't show on header"
Hi, I can't get the menu to show on the header, can you help? http://www.athletesportal.com/
View Articlecnyiradi on "[Theme: Tempera] Todays Date"
I hope this is the right place to post about this topic. I'm using php shortcode and I'm simple trying to display today's date... however it's displaying tomorrows date instead. I have updated settings...
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