lauradigraciea on "resizing text width"
I want to resize the width of the text on my site. As a background, I have an image on the far right side that I would like to be visible but my text covers most of it. I would like to resize my text...
View Articlemettzed on "[Theme: Hueman] Google+ Share icon doesn't appear"
I love your theme Alex, but when I downloaded latest version 2.0.4 my Google+ share icon by single post has vanished. I have Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest icon but no Google+. There is TRUE command...
View Articlejmayoff on "Using _s theme to create my own, having trouble right off the bat"
I am trying to have the .site-branding div and the '.main-navigation' nav to line up next to each other. I've tried float:left on both classes and I've tried making sure the divs aren't too long so...
View Articletomdegraaff on "[Theme: Hueman] Different header background colors for...
Hello Alexander, thanx for the very nice theme, but also for your support! I have a question and did not find the awnser to in this forum. My goal is to give the header background a specific color on...
View Articlealloyux on "Sidebar Width"
I've recently adjusted my content box on my blog and I'm just getting used to WordPress. I can't find out the right value to change in my CSS (and certainly not my html/php) that...
View Articlemauranda on "[Theme: Customizr] link for slider without text and button"
I need the image slider on the home page to link when clicked to pages within the website. I have all of this set up within the media side, however because there is no text, therefore no button, it is...
View Articlejknetdesign on "Add iPhone adjustments to Twentyten" This desktop design calls for a 1060 width on the #wrapper, #access, and #footer I used Twnentyten because they don't want mobile responsiveness, but they do want the phone to...
View ArticleBernardo on "[Theme: Hueman] v.1.2.4 sidebar position problem!" Why? My in child theme!
View Articlejulesjunction on "[Theme: Mantra] How do I change the colour of the top menu...
Hi, I am using the Mantra theme and would like to change the colour of the links in the top right menu nav bar because the menu items can't be seen with the header colour we have on the website. I...
View Articlebhunsaker on "[Theme: Customizr] Customizing the Header"
Using the Customizr theme I would like to have the header look as follows. Logo on the left linking to my website, the menu in the middle, and another logo on the right linking to an external site. How...
View ArticleFauxClaud on "[Theme: Mantra] Control Formats in Posts Page?"
I am trying to find how to remove certain post formats from showing up on my overall post page. I am sure there has to be a way, BUT I can't seem to find the documentation for this even after reading...
View Articlesimple-mind on "Need customizr calendar css"
Hi there I am using google calendar events plugin to design a google calendar plugin ,but the problem is that the widget look so different from the site now to change the css of that plugin. how do i...
View Articlebenimois on "[Theme: SuevaFree] I only want to use one static image on the...
I only want to use one static image on the homepage. How to remove a box with a text from a home page? If the home page or a home post is not selected the blank white box is not there, but the footer...
View Articleeisenring on "[Theme: Customizr] Background across entire page"
Does anyone know how to set a background image to this theme and have it not break in the different columns?
View Article1ashgarg on "[Theme: Parabola] Header Modifications"
There are a few modifications I would like to do in the header and I am having a difficult time, even with the firebug tool. 1)Right now, the header takes up the entire width of the page, but I would...
View ArticleKcGuitfiddle on "[Theme: Customizr] Alter this code to create fade effect" { border-bottom: 12px solid #4a7023; } This is the code I dropped into my "Custom CSS" box to change the color and width of the grey bar above the slider and below the header. Id like...
View Articledomdomdom on "[Theme: Twenty Eleven] small-menu.js click doesn't work..?"
Hello, I've been trying to add small-menu.js to my website. When the screen is smaller, the main menu disappears, words 'Main Menu' appear instead, which is the right way forward, but it doesn't click...
View ArticleNovata2 on "[Theme: Customizr] social buttons sizes"
I like social buttons as they are, but I think their sizes are quite small, specially the ones on the top, at the header. Is is possible to make them bigger? Thanks!!
View Articlestuzlyjo on "[Theme: Preference Lite] Website looks bad on iPhone with...
Hi There, I have just made my site live today. The site looks great on laptop or tablet but very bad on iPhone. The main problem seems to be that the images are not positioned...
View ArticleinvaderB on "[Theme: Minimatica] posts not showing up"
Hey there, I'm having a bit of an issue with the theme, I'm using two plugins to sort out the home page posts from the blog page posts: Posts in Page plugin and WP Filter Post Category plugin the posts...
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