homegrownkitchen on "[Theme: Spun] position of post title in circles"
Hi, I'm trying to change the relative position of the post titles that show up on my homepage in the image circles. Right now, they are aligned to the middle, but the first line of text starts in the...
View Articleand.vigani on "[Theme: Hiero] READ MORE - Posts"
How can I show the "Read More" link in the posts on the homepage? Can I change the number of visible words of posts in homepage?
View Articlecelrod on "[Theme: Techozoic Fluid] need help with theme css"
new issues I am having now, text on about page is way too small and cannot for the life of me figure out which snippet of css I need to alter to make it larger and change the font. also, footer has...
View Articleartistgreen on "[Theme: Virtue] Header font is different color and font than...
Hi, How are you? We are having an issue with the header text color and font style on pages with a single post. We have set the text to green and using Helvetica (I think, regardless we're using a...
View Articleyalk33 on "[Theme: Corpo] Add customization in home page below the button"
Hi, How can I add images and text below the button in the home page? Similar to what is shown in the Corpo Theme demo site? Thank you
View ArticleDazzelDum on "[Theme: Weaver II] How to go to next page for blogs"
Hello there! On the "blog" page, shouldn't there be more pages to go to listed at the bottom? My general settings are at ten per page. I have more than that but there are no page numbers to go to page...
View Articlebluejpro on "[Theme: Quark] No sidebar appears Blog page no matter what I do"
Hello - great theme! I want to have a sidebar on my BLog page - am using a child theme. No matter what widgets I put in all the widget areas, I can not get any content to show in the sidebar. The blog...
View ArticleConnect4 on "[Theme: Customizr] Pic in slider only coming out as a strip"
Hi all, So I have tried everything regarding cropping/rescaling a picture that is originally 4000x3000 to fit the slider. However it just gives me a thin strip, even though I have managed to make the...
View ArticleBrit303 on "Theme: Utility - Showing pages at top"
I like the Utility theme and am considering changing to that. The one issue I have is that the Pages tabs are located on the bottom of the page. I'd like them at the top instead. Is it possible to move...
View Articlejlove83 on "[Theme: Semper Fi Lite] How to change body font size?"
Hello, I would like to change the size of the font to be a bit smaller and possible have less spacing between paragraphs. I was trying to mess around with the editor, but couldn't find the right code....
View Articlecknetworks on "[Theme: Corpo] Services Icons Not Appearing"
Hi all, No matter what I try, certain service icons are just not appearing on my site. I've managed to make this one appear: icon-search ... but the other two are just not showing up: icon-bullseye...
View Articlebikeur62 on "[Theme: Customizr] Site description or adding text at the top...
Hello, Thanks to a snippet I had center my menu and the navbar Yet I would like to add a text (phone number + mail address), in the header, at the top right. I don't know how to add a text so I tried...
View Articleincider on "[Theme: Adventure] Unnumbered Lists"
Try as I might with CSS customizations, etc., I cannot get bullets to appear in my unnumbered lists on posts and pages. See the page below for an example. What's the trick?...
View Articlegreku69 on "[Theme: Spun] Make theme wider ..."
Hi guys Hope you can help me ... I was trying to make page wider so I can have 4 or 5 column in portfolio page on my site ...at the moment I select 4 column but only 3 is display... Thanks for your...
View ArticleRainCityChick on "[Theme: Twenty Thirteen] Change Color of Footer to Match...
I was able to change the header image, but now need to change the footer color. There's no option to do so in appearance, so I assume I need to change something in the CSS under Appearance-->Editor...
View Articlejay passion on "Attitude Theme - Cant put logo in Header issue"
HI guys, I've read around on this and somehow my problem seems to be different to others, so I've been told to try asking here. I'm using attitude theme and am trying to change my header to a logo...
View Articlejimmyg164 on "Ipad Swipe"
Having the oposit problem swipe only works on part of my (wordpress)site wounder if anyone could point me in the right direction. the site is the images are not swiping kind regards...
View ArticlexSpectruSx on "[Theme: GamePress] I have a doubt with the GameReviews"
Hello, what happens is not as make on the main page (home), the game reviews appear with a photo on the left of the title, as shown in the demo (http://webtuts.pl/test/). Then maybe you could help me...
View ArticleTanjaCrouch on "[Theme: GamePress] Video Reviews News tabs"
My site is not a gaming site but I love the theme... if I can get it to all work... http://www.funjobsblog.com I cannot figure out how to get videos and news into the tabs. The front shows my latest...
View Articleavangessel on "[Theme: Hueman] Featured Images being cropped"
Featured images for posts and pages are cropping off the sides of images. I would like it to re-size to show the whole width. When I made a page yesterday it was doing this, and I may have changed...
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